"Better a fallen rocket than never a burst of light."
~ Tom Stoppard, The Invention of Love

Friday, December 16, 2016

News Satire Roundup: December 12th-December 15th

Monday, December 12All Obama all the time.  I thought Trevor did a nice job interviewing Obama, considering he seemed so starstruck/humbled he was lucky he remembered his own name.  He gave Obama plenty of space, asking open-ended questions about the Russian hacks prior to the election, the upcoming transition of power, Obamacare, his plans for post-president life, and his approach to talking about race.  Obama has a gift for laying things out as they are, but in a diplomatic way, like when he considered Congress’s job of replacing Obamacare.  Essentially, his attitude was, “I hope they do improve on it!  Guys, if you had ideas, you could’ve shared them with me five years ago, because I want this system to be the best it can!”  No ego, no partisan game-playing, just, “Can we get a little governance over here?”  The show also gets points pre-interview for bringing up the picture of the little Black boy touching Obama’s hair.

Tuesday, December 13 – I loved Trevor recapping his Obama interview, especially his worry over whether he’d get the “Black handshake.”  Crazy blurb on Kanye West meeting Trump – the clip of newscasters cutting away from the Middle East to show the photo op at Trump Tower sums up US news media pretty well.  Potential secretary of state Rex Tillerson was the latest Trump nominee the show profiled, placing emphasis on his cozy relationship with Russia (I continually feel trolled by this transition of power.)  Trevor’s impression of Putin learning how to smile was my joke of the night – that killed me.  Bit of goofy fluff about a NASA contest to come up with improved poop-ready space suits, with Desi, Ronny, and Roy giving their best pitches.  Ta-Nehisi Coates was the guest, talking about an article he wrote saying goodbye to the Obama administration and his complicated experiences covering America’s first Black president.

Wednesday, December 14 – More from Trump’s “thank you” tour with another appearance from “truth Trump,” telling it like it really is despite himself.  Between his acknowledgement that “lock her up” is a just a soundbite that “plays well” before the election and his admission that he said “drain the swamp” for weeks before he “started to believe it,” I almost feel sorry for his supporters.  Forget all Americans – I’m not sure Trump will end up being president to any Americans.  Michelle and Trevor talked over Ohio’s recently-vetoed “heartbeat” abortion bill and the prospect of reproductive health under the Trump administration.  Desi got in on it too, with a field piece on women who are anxious to get IUDs before inauguration day.  Michael K. Williams was the guest, and he obligingly let Trevor geek out for a while about Omar and The Wire before moving onto his new movie, Assassin’s Creed.

Thursday, December 15 – The whole news team helped say goodbye (and good riddance?) to 2016.  Trevor knew we were in for it when it started with Zika and only got worse.  Desi gave us the year’s biggest breakups, including America and decency.  Hasan highlighted the year in fake news, predicting that we’ll spend the next four years wishing the news was fake.  Roy looked at the intersection of politics and sports, complimenting Colin Kaepernick on finding a form of protest that requires no movement at all.  Ronny bemoaned the proliferation of online “viral” challenges (but that Brazilian kid who did the water bottle challenge then dabbed while slip ‘n’ sliding was awesome.)  Jordan showed a montage of his assorted pieces interviewing folks at Trump rallies.  The guest, Rob Corddry, was nostalgic to be back at his old stomping grounds and shared fun stories about working with Kate McKinnon on Office Christmas Party.

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