*Episode 4 spoilers.*
I love it so much! I’m really digging the way the show is approaching the story in three-episode chunks, with every few episodes telling their own mini-trilogy. Here, we get the middle episode of the mini-arc on Cassian’s first rebel mission, and the added space allows us to really delve into the characters.
The Aldhani mission is going down tomorrow, robbing an Empire garrison. As Cassian prepares for the task ahead, he also gets to know the others in the group, learning more about what motivates them while considering his own intentions. Imperial officer Dedra pulls at threads that look random but could suggest a larger organized rebellion than the Empire has heretofore identified. And Karn, relieved of his post, is too angry and bitter to start thinking about his next career move.
Non-Cassian stuff first, as usual. It’s kind of entertaining to see Karn fired in disgrace, back living with his overbearing, perpetually disappointed mom. When he stares in fury at Cassian’s holographic image, he gives off a little too much Inspector Javert energy for my tastes, but we’ll see how he weaves back into the main plot.
Meanwhile, it would go too far to say I “like” a dyed-in-the-wool Imperial, but Dedra, our character for the day, does intrigue me. Played by Denise Gough (who was in Colette,) she’s smart, observant, and more talented than those around her give her credit for. She makes a real attempt to get into the mind of a potential rebel, looking at the intelligence in front of her instead of just seeing what she expects to find. She might prove a dangerous opponent.
We only get a little of Mon Mothma and Luthen today, separately. Mon Mothma’s home life gets fleshed out a bit more. It’s hard evading suspicion as a prominent politician who’s secretly supporting a fledgling rebellion, especially when your husband is kind of useless and your daughter resents you for spending all your time working. As for Luthen, he may appear to stay out of the thick of the fighting, but that doesn’t mean he’s not deeply invested in the outcome, and he waits anxiously for word of the Aldhani mission.
That brings us to the rebels. Last week, they were a little interchangeable for me, other than leader Vel and imperial defector Gorn. This episode gives us a chance to get to know all of them better. From the young idealist who speaks passionately on his analysis of the Empire’s oppression, to the formerly incarcerated man who carries his anger and suspicion around with him, we’ve given a better idea of what makes them tick and how they operate as a makeshift team. There’s some excellent, stirring dialogue throughout this storyline, and I’m very nervous for all of them as they gear up for their mission.
Interacting with them also tells us a lot more about where Cassian is right now. At this point, he’s well-versed at fighting against the Empire, and while the rebels have the ideals and the drive, his experience and practical knowhow often exceeds theirs. But I think it’s going to be through them that he starts learning how to fight for something. As they share their beliefs and what brought them to the rebellion, his reactions are a thing of beauty to watch.
When he’s feeling guarded, he’s almost like a threatened animal—still, silent, watching everything and giving nothing away. And yet, at other times, he’s remarkably open, even when it seems like it might be smarter to keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t trust these people yet, and he’s still focused on his own survival (and his own payout) above all else, but you can feel him slowly starting to fall in with them.
Some of this might seem contradictory, but in Diego Luna’s hands, it all feels consistent. There’s something instinctual about the way Cassian navigates this complicated situation, when he pulls back vs. when he lets someone in. In addition to showing him what he really cares about, I think this mission could also show him what he’s really capable of, not just as a thief or an agitator, but as a leader.
Also, Cassian has known these people for one to two days max, and he’s clocked everyone’s hand dominance (among, presumably, plenty of other things.) Hella observant, you love to see it!
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