*A few casting spoilers.*
I’ve heard chatter that the Thirteenth Doctor’s final episode will be airing in October, but as of today, the release date still hasn’t been announced. While I semi-anxiously wait, not just to say goodbye to a terrific Doctor who’s powered through some lackluster writing, but to welcome back former companions Tegan and Ace(!), I thought I’d do a bit of a ramble on companions returning to the series.
Long story short, I’m in favor—very in favor. There have been isolated instances where I think the show has overdone the fan service, namely during the Companion-A-Palooza of “The Stolen Earth” / “Journey’s End.” But by and large, it’s always great to see folks again. I enjoyed it in “School Reunion” even before I’d seen classic Who and learned who Sarah Jane was, simply because it was so compelling to meet someone who used to travel with the Doctor: seeing where her life had gone in the intervening years, how she and the Doctor both felt seeing each other again, and how Rose reacted to getting a glimpse of her potential future.
Pretty much, I love it all. I love Jack taking Ten to task for the way Nine left him on the Game Station. I love Ten pleading with Donna and Martha not to fight but the two of them instantly bonding. I love Six showing just a bit of softness when he runs into Jamie in the middle of his own adventure. I love Eleven reassuring Jo that she always mattered to him. I love the Brigadier helping Tegan in one time while he and Five run around together in another. Gold stars, all around.
It can be bittersweet, companions seeing how the Doctor moved on after they parted and has been running around with all manner of new companions since their time together. It can be heartwarming, with the Doctor basking in the brilliance of their old friends. It can be satisfying for the nerdy fangirl in me, with classic callbacks that fill me with joy. It can be inspiring, to see how former companions have kept fighting the good fight after their time with the Doctor, each in their own way.
Now, just for fun, here are some other companions I’d love to see back at some point. I realize that the show keeps marching forward, so barring multi-Doctor specials, any returning companions would be meeting the current Doctor, and I’d totally go for that for any of these picks. However, my daydreams allow for the full possibilities of audiobooks/novels/comics/etc., so I’ll also muse on which new Who Doctors I might like to see them with. And hey, as I keep exploring Big Finish, maybe I’ll find some who have already reunited in ancillary stories!
Classic Who Companions
· Susan – This one’s obvious. Despite appearing in “The Five Doctors,” she mainly just interacted with One and Three. Seeing her with Eleven would be cool, just because I’d love to see this very young-looking Doctor being so grandfatherly. Thirteen would be a head trip, of course. And I think seeing Susan again would just be good for Nine.
· Jamie – Another companion who already has returned, in “The Two Doctors,” but I’m greedy! I think Jamie with either Ten or Eleven would be a blast: Ten for his energy, and Eleven for the similarities between him and Two that manage to manifest in completely different ways.
· Zoe – Such a great Two-era companion. I think she’d be a lot of fun with Twelve, because they’re both really smart but don’t have the most tact. They could get up to a lot of brainy trouble together!
· Leela – I love Leela anyway, and it’d be fascinating to see this Sevateem warrior with any of the post-Time War Doctors. Nine would be my top pick, though.
· Romana – Ah, Romana. Gotta love her! Her and Thirteen running around time and space would be awesome, and I can also easily picture her lording over Eleven.
New Who Companions
· Rose – Given Rose’s history with Nine and Ten, it’d be really interesting to see with any of the Doctors that followed. I’d most like to see her reaction to Thirteen, understandably, but I also think it’d be great to see her interact with Eleven or Twelve.
· Donna – I love the thought of the Doctor running into Donna again in a situation where they really did have to interact, caught up in an alien adventure but doing the full John Smith so as not to spur her memory. I just want the Doctor to be reassured that, despite what was taken from her, she’s still Donna and can still be amazing. I think she’d be especially fun with Eleven.
· Luke, Clyde & Rani – Okay, so a bit of a cheat. They’re not companions, and they’ve already met the Doctor (two of them, in Clyde and Rani’s case.) But I always thought they’d make great companions once they hit college age—in the gap between Clara and Bill, I totally entertained daydreams about these three becoming Twelve’s companions for a short jaunt.
· Bill – Seriously, how did Bill duck out minutes before Thirteen came on the scene?!? The fact that she doesn’t know about Thirteen is inexcusable, and I would absolutely love to see them together.
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