"Better a fallen rocket than never a burst of light."
~ Tom Stoppard, The Invention of Love

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Other Doctor Lives: Jessica Jones: Season 1, Episode 1 – “AKA Ladies Night” (2015)

*Premise spoilers.*

I watched all the Marvel Netflix shows when they first came out, and Jessica Jones was always my favorite (as the copious posts I wrote about it will likely attest.) A while back, I went back back to the beginning of The Defenders universe and watched these shows again. Naturally, I took time to review this splendid David Tennant performance for Other Doctor Lives along the way.

Jessica Jones has superpowers, but if you call her a superhero, she’d probably punch you. She’s not in the business of saving people, not now. She spends her days drinking and her nights in the shadows with her camera, working as a PI and only using her powers when she needs to intimidate jerks. But when a couple from Omaha show up asking Jessica to help track down her missing daughter, the trail stirs up old wounds that still cut at her.

Right out of the gate, everything about this show is so well-positioned. Jessica’s cynical voiceovers match the noir-ish vibes, but her PTSD-induced flashbacks and panic attacks erase her detached demeanor in an instant, with everything shot oppressively immediate. Light is used really masterfully here—the dinginess of the city looks gorgeous at night (especially Luke’s bar, with the yellow light illuminating the red door and the blue glow looking in through the windows,) and I like how all of Jessica’s thoughts of Kilgrave are tinged with a purple haze.

The pilot does a nice job setting things in motion, reeling out details slowly but giving us enough to tantalize. Over the course of the episode, we get hints about Jessica’s trauma, her estranged relationship with Trish, the way she’s drawn to Luke, and the glimpses of how she’s not as prickly as she purports to be (she has nearly inexhaustible patience for Malcolm, the addict down the hall.) Similarly, the hints we’re given about Kilgrave are really effective. Even when we know barely anything about him, you can feel that hair-on-the-back-of-your-neck edge permeating the episode. Side note: there aren’t too many shows/movies that keep me feeling significantly rattled after the end credits roll, but I remember that when I was first saw this season, I couldn’t go outside after dark if I’d been watching an episode. :shudder:

Krysten Ritter is instantly excellent as Jessica, jaded and misanthropic but also a raw nerve just barely holding it together. I remember when I first saw her in this, my mind still saw her as “Jane from Breaking Bad,” but before the pilot was over, she was firmly “Jessica” in my head. The other heavy hitter here is Rachael Taylor as Jessica’s old friend Trish. Her appearance isn’t huge in this episode, but after several hints are dropped earlier, the big scene between Jessica and Trish doesn’t disappoint. Both actresses play off of each other wonderfully, and even if we don’t know all the details of their history yet, the dynamic between them still comes through loud and clear.

If you’re in it strictly for the David Tennant of it all, you might come away disappointed with this episode, as he, playing Kilgrave, is barely in it, only seen in quick glances and never in a clear shot. I still suggest watching it, though, because 1) this episode sets the stage for what will be a lot more from him, turning in some fine work, and 2) like I said, the glimpses of Kilgrave are done so effectively. In just snatches and instants, the lighting, blocking, storytelling, and Tennant’s performance make you feel exactly how you’re supposed to about this character.

Although this is a show I’ve already seen from start to finish, I’ll still do my usual “first impression” reactions for the end of this post:

Accent Watch

Definitely English, I want to say a little bit posher than we often hear from Tennant? Kilgrave doesn’t have much dialogue in this episode, and I can’t clearly remember his voice from what’s to come.


In General – Yes. This is an impressive pilot that fires on all cylinders, and watching it is a dark but rewarding experience.

David Tennant – Based strictly on the size of his appearance so far, one might be inclined to classify this, “Too early to say,” but I defy anyone to catch the brief glimpses of Tennant’s Kilgrave in this episode and not be curious to see more.


Violence (including implied sexual assault,) sexual content, language, drinking, disturbing images, and strong thematic elements (including PTSD.)

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