*Episode premise spoilers.*
After a couple of Andrew Rannells-less episodes, we’re back. Things have progressed from love to jealousy and now to hate. Big feelings going on here!
Missy’s resentment for Jessi has been building ever since Jessi took over her affinity group in episode 3, and in the last episode, her anger bubbled over into a Hateworm. Now, rumors about Jessi and Ali are flying around the school thanks to Missy’s posts from her anonymous Instagram account. Nick’s Lovebug has been reborn as a Hateworm in the wake of rejection, and Nick and Missy bond over their mutual hatred of Jessi. Elsewhere, Jay has decided to try and win Lola back.
The Hateworm plot is really well done. I like the conceit of them growing as they feed on Missy and Nick’s anger, and the duo/quartet do a great Sex Pistols-esque anthem to hate together. And similar to what we saw last season in Connie’s interplay with Jessi’s Depression Kitty and Anxiety Mosquitoes, the Hateworms crowd out the kids’ Hormone Monsters as they grow stronger. It’s a fitting representation of how those sorts of feelings can coopt every other sensation/emotion. But even though it’s a dark episode, the plotline still brings some good laughs. I love when Missy scoffs at Jessi’s pretentious use of “besmirched” and Nick replies, “It’s like, we get it, your parents are divorced. You’re filling a void with vocabulary words, congrats.” I’m really interested to see where things go from here.
Also bringing the laughs? The Jay/Lola plot. Both of them are chaotic and ridiculous anyway, and last season proved just how wild they can be together. From Jay declaring that Lola is “the only one who can jack [his] heart off” (to satisfy his “boner for intimacy,” obviously,) to Lola uttering the delightful phrase, “With my gay pubes as my witness,” it’s just absurd intensity all the way through. Also, I get such a kick out of Jay breakfasting with his adult magician friends at their usual hangout spot at Panera Bread, where they all eat cereal out of bread bowls—a gross but very funny image.
Matthew’s storyline so far this season, I would’ve expected him to react to the
Jay/Lola stuff, but apart from some wordless appearances in crowd scenes, his
only contribution to the episode is Greek-chorus level, reporting on the
Instagram rumors on his morning announcements show. It’s a short scene that’s
mostly about exposition, but Rannells still sneaks in a couple priceless line deliveries,
my favorite being, “Our top story today, Ms. Benitez got dropped off by her new
boyfriend, and he’s got a ponytail.”
That line really tickled me. On a very adult middle-school show where kids are
fingering each other and cursing like sailors, there’s something almost
innocent about being fascinated by their teacher’s boyfriend having a ponytail.
It’s an especially-fun line for Matthew, who’s so often written as 13 going on
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