Monday, March 31, 2014

The Musketeers: Series 1, Episode 10 (2014)

Here we are:  season finale of The Musketeers and last Capaldi Fall installment until Netflix finally sends me Smilla’s Sense of Snow.  I can’t say too much about the plot, because there are lots of important developments.  We see the culmination of incidents and conflicts introduced in previous episodes, we’ve got tricky, multi-pronged plans, and there are big reveals to be had. 
Overall, it’s a good ending to the season.  The show isn’t high art, but it’s fun and engaging, and I like the characters and plots well enough that I’ll probably watch the second season next year, PC-less though it may be.  The main cast is pretty darn solid, and they all have excellent chemistry with one another.
Quite a bit of Richelieu in this episode.  As I predicted, some of his underhanded chickens come home to roost, and it’s good to see the cardinal on the ropes.  Also, there’s one confrontation that really surprised me – in it, he outlines his motives for the regicide attempt he orchestrated last episode, and I was reminded that even at his most ruthless, pragmatism is still a driving force for his behavior. 
And now…
Accent Watch
Besides the RP, there’s something extra going on with his voice on this show.  It reminds me a little of his Charles I voice on The Devil’s Whore.  I think it makes him sound posher and more snake-like, or maybe it’s just his 17th-century accent?
In General – I think so.  Good, light entertainment with a very watchable cast and some amusing fight scenes.  Nice for a romp.
PC-wise – Quite possibly.  PC gives a good performance in a role that was probably a blast to play.  If you just want a taste, episodes 6 and 7 were my favorite as far as PC was concerned.
Nothing further.
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Thanks for coming along on Capaldi Fall!  Check in tomorrow to find out where the blog is going next!

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