Sunday, March 30, 2014

Capaldi Faves

Well, aside from the upcoming Musketeers season finale, there’s only one more available PC project on my list:  Smilla’s Sense of Snow, which has spent the last two months sitting at the top of my Netflix queue.  So… looks like we’ll have to wait on that one.  I was planning on doing a PC wrap-up when I reached the end of Capaldi Fall/Winter/Spring, but since I’ve got another day before I can finish The Musketeers and heaven knows when I’ll get Smilla’s Sense of Snow, figured I might as well do it now.  Here are my Top Ten PC Projects, in no particular order.

  • Accused, Frank Ryland ~ PC captures the wrung-out numbness of a grieving father so spectacularly.  It’s heartbreaking to watch Frank and his wife in such pain, both floundering but unable to really help the other.  His more private moments are wrenching, and the “Desperado” scene is one of my absolute favorites.
  • Torchwood, John Frobisher ~ Frobisher is terrible at times, tragic at others, and PC is superb.  As an ordinary man coming face-to-face with a potential-devastating alien threat, he’s a terrified pencil-pusher willing to do just about anything for his country.

  • The Field of Blood, Dr. Pete ~ Oh, Dr. Pete.  Heartbroken idealist, champion and ally to awesome Paddy, monument to the reporter he used to be.  It’s a small role, but such a good one, and I adore the series.

  • The Thick of It / In the Loop, Malcolm Tucker ~ What can you say about Malcolm?  He’s filthy and forceful, he’s wickedly witty, he’s a Malchiavellian mastermind.  The terror of cabinet ministers and the puppet master of Whitehall.  Just riotously funny, and I’m grateful for the many opportunities that this role opened for PC.

  • The Hour, Randall Brown ~ The Hour is a gorgeous series, and I love the many layers that make up Randall.  I love the glint in his eye as he pushes boundaries, his tremendous capacity for empathy, and his hope in the face of impossible odds.  His meltdown in the season finale just blows me away. 

  • Prime Suspect, Vera Reynolds ~ A stellar early role in which PC holds his own against Helen frickin’ Mirren.  Vera is such a fragile, tragic figure.  You wouldn’t think it, but “Why can’t you take me to the ladies?” is just a heartbreaking line in context, and I’m wowed by the way Vera swallows her fear and takes timid steps toward bravery.

  • The Devil’s Whore, King Charles I ~ Despite its excellent cast, The Devil’s Whore is a just-all-right project for me.  PC, though, is awesome.  His vain, fussy performance as the doomed king is great – real chameleon work.  I just love his final scene in the miniseries.

  • Soft Top Hard Shoulder, Gavin Bellini ~ Of all of PC’s writing projects, I think this is my favorite.  The cracked humor and offbeat dialogue is terrific, and Gavin himself is a delight.  He’s flawed, but kooky and loveable.  I’m glad PC wrote himself such a fun starring role.
  • Psychos, Mark Collins ~ There’s something about this possibly-bipolar mathematician that I just love.  The whole “mentally ill genius who thinks medication will interfere with his work” is hardly original, but Mark’s intensity and assuredness is so watchable.

  • Skins, Mark Jenkins ~ At the end of the day, I really do love Skins, and PC’s contribution to the show is excellent.  Mark is one of the best parent characters it ever had.  He’s both outrageously funny and tragic in a “quiet desperation” way.  The final conversation between him and Sid in Sid’s season 1 episode remains one of my favorites of the series.
Aaaaand, how ‘bout a little more?  Although these didn’t make the Top Ten cut, they’re all additional favorites of mine for one reason or another.

  • Doctor Who, Caecilius ~ Fun performance in one of my favorite David Tennant episodes.  I hope the new season refers to Twelve’s resemblance to Caecilius, even in passing.

  • Chandler & Co., Larry Blakeson ~ Come on, who doesn’t love a prickly P.I. with tons of spy gadgets and plenty of sleuthing know-how?  A great part in a very enjoyable series.
  • Local Hero, Danny Oldsen ~ Danny!  PC really burst onto the acting scene in a delightful, winning way.  I get such a kick out of this gangly, offbeat oil representative.
  • The Greatest Store in the World, Mr. Whiskers ~ I’m not quite sure why I like this one so much.  Chalk it up to my weakness for scrappy, resourceful moppets making their way through the world.  Both the movie and Mr. Whiskers himself are unexpected treats.

  • Inside the Mind of Leonardo, Leonardo Da Vinci ~ Beautiful, sensuous, inventive documentary.  Dynamic and laser-focused performance by PC.  What’s not to like?

  • Neverwhere, Islington ~ Long live Gaiman!  So creative and engrossing, with terrific dialogue.  This small but pivotal role is a great, very different sort of performance for PC.

  • The Crow Road, Rory McHoan ~ I adore this well-written, finely-acted miniseries.  The short glimpses we get of Rory suggest quite a rich character.

  • Aftersun, Jim ~ He’s a bit boring, a bit pedantic, a bit absurd, but what can I say?  Jim is great – such a real character.  The poolside confrontation is a wonderful scene.

  • The Cricklewood Greats, Peter Capaldi ~ Our PC writing/directing/acting triple-whammy.  From the note-perfect satire to the uniquely wild details, this one’s pure fun.
  • The First King of Mars, The Captain ~ I’ve really learned to appreciate something that makes me laugh with just audio.  PC’s unhinged monologues are an absolute stitch.

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