Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Brave New Blog…

Well, not new.  More redefined, but “brave redefined blog” rings terribly, so we’ll stick with what we have.  Now that Capaldi Fall is over (though it’ll pop up again when I check out new projects of his,) it’s time to expand the ole blog beyond the confines of one bug-eyed Scottish thespian’s filmography.
So, welcome (again!)  We’re gonna transition to a more all-purpose geeky-ramblings repository.  Expect posts about beloved TV shows, movies, plays, books, and music.  Expect odes to favorite fictional characters or relationships.  I’ll try to keep up my daily posting regimen – I started compiling non-PC reviews a few months ago, so I’ll hopefully have enough of a cushion to give myself a little wiggle time as we get started.
)Just a general advisory.  While I’m not specifically starting another “let’s watch everything with Actor X in it,” I’ve been on a huge Benedict Cumberbatch kick lately – jump-started by the piece I’ll be reviewing later today – so expect to see a lot of him in the near future.  Tom Hiddleston may also be a rather looming feature.  That sounds so clichéd, but what can I say?  I’m just human.)
In the immortal words of Abed Nadir, speaking what could be considered the geek watch-cry, “I guess I just like liking things.”  What follows are the things I like liking.

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