Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Musketeers: Series 1, Episode 9 – “Knight Takes Queen” (2014)

Say what you will about Richelieu; when he’s of a mind to, he will go to extraordinary lengths to keep his employer satisfied.  So the king is infatuated with a good-natured German woman with a large dowry and a fondness for shooting?  And because he’s a whiny little snot, he flails around complaining that his queen is ruining his happiness by continuing to have a pulse?  No problem, sire – Richelieu is on it.
Needlessly to say, despicable Richelieu is in full force today.  He’s sneaky, cold-blooded, and more than a little reckless (his less cardinal-like actions are in danger of being found out,) but he’s still eminently pragmatic.  When his main stratagem appears to falter, he doesn’t waste a second.  He thinks on his feet throughout, course-correcting and working out contingency plans.  It seems his character is being set up for big developments in next episode’s season finale.
Since cardinals apparently can’t make omelets without having a few queens assassinated, the musketeers have their work cut out for them.  They’ve accompanied her majesty on a retreat, and what began as a glorified babysitting gig quickly becomes a life-or-death mission – funny how often that seems to happen to them.  They divide and conquer, with D’Artagnan and Porthos running out to find reinforcements (and attempt to discover who the mysterious would-be assassins are) while Athos and Aramis desperately try to protect the queen.
I should point out that I don’t currently have access to the season finale, as it hasn’t aired yet.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to see it by Monday, so look for my review then.  I’ll cook up something to post in the interim.

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