Season finale! At this time, we don’t know whether or not the show’s been renewed. I’m hoping for more, of course, but this year more than any other, the last episode could serve just as well as a season or series finale. If this is the last we get to see of these lowlifes, they went out swinging!
The gang has a plan to catch a killer. Or rather, they have an elaborate setup and multiple plans with varying levels of sense and complexity. Do any of their schemes have any hope of actual success, and will they live to tell about it?
Not too many details here, dodging spoilers. The finale serves up danger, hilarity, emotional stakes, and copious bickering, and everyone gets something fun to do. There’s an awesome argument over assorted chemical compounds that aren’t sodium pentothal, Keith isn’t in favor of the plans that involve dangling him in front of their chief suspect and waiting to see if the guy tries to murder him, and a serious lack of shrimp. I enjoy how the mystery shakes out. It takes a few twists that surprise without feeling completely out of the blue.
I love this exchange between Dawn and Keith: “Motherfucker, knock! I could’ve had my pussy out!” “Dawn, I’m gay.” “Then you really don’t need to see it.” Also great? This so-true remark from Yassir – “Well, that was beautiful but tonally inconsistent, which is pretty on brand for us.”
Some good stuff for Blair. Between this show and Girls, Andrew Rannells has plenty of experience depicting “comedically off his head on coke,” but it never gets old. I get a huge kick out of Blair and Mo hatching plans while high as kites, as well as Blair snapping, “Only me and Mo are Plan Boys, you dumb bitch!” I also really like a bit where someone is trying to describe what Blair is like as a husband. They falter at “sexually…”, grasping for a descriptor, and Blair euphemistically offers up “…undemanding?”
On the whole, this was a good season for Rannells. I wish he’d had more screentime with Don Cheadle and Regina Hall, since that’s consistently where the magic happens, but he was still a lot of fun in the episodes where he was off in his own plots. Blair’s storyline offered up some good skewering of the GOP – all the NRA stuff was hilarious, and I wasn’t expecting the “Superman” bit at all. Additionally, we got some actual introspection from Blair on his choices and the consequences therein, which led to some good dramatic material, and Rannells’s comedic reactions remain topnotch. Like I said, if this is it, we’re ending in a pretty good place, but I do hope we get to see more of Rannells’s great performance in this bonkers show.
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