One thing I’ve noticed, throughout the pandemic but increasingly in 2021, is how much I’ve been leaning into my pop-culture “comfort food” to deal with the heightened stress and anxiety of the world. I’ve learned to be more forgiving of myself and realize that I’m not always going to be productive, that I sometimes have to end the day just going down a YouTube rabbit hole or writing fanfic. My platonic crushes have loomed larger in my mind this past year, and the more obsessive aspects of my nerdom have magnified. During a time when I’ve been living through my literal worst nightmare and so many leaders have treated it like doesn’t matter while so many people have died, fandom and pop culture might feel trivial and silly. But it’s been a great help and comfort to me, and I’m appreciative that, amid my privilege, I’ve been able to stay safe at home and indulge in content that make me a little happier when things are so wrong. Here are some of the favorite things that have been filling my thoughts lately, including some of the interview clips and fan videos that help me unwind.

Star Wars
It started late in 2020 when season 2 of The Mandalorian grabbed ahold of my brain and heart and wouldn’t let go. All of the sudden, I went from being a casual Star Wars fan to someone really invested in that world. Doing a gradual rewatch of the films has been a great way to ease myself into 2021 – even the prequels reminded me how much I loved Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, Rogue One and its cast have my heart forever (this Jyn/Cassian fan video, my heart!), and the original trilogy is bringing back so many nostalgic feels amongst the new appreciation I’ve been gaining for it. I love having all these mystical-space-opera friends to keep me company. Also? Indulging in Star Wars content has definitely ignited some all-out love for Pedro Pascal (thanks for that Community table read!) and Diego Luna (Narcos: Mexico, my goodness!)

It was a bummer that a COVID-related production halt on Superman & Lois meant that the start of Supergirl’s final season was basically used to plug a hole in the schedule, airing until Superman & Lois was back on track and then promptly going on hiatus. It sucks in general that the show is filming its final season during the pandemic and might not be able to accomplish everything it might want to do. But I’m not gonna lie: getting those first seven episodes this winter was so welcome. I’m all about Kara continuing to be a compassionate hero even when she’s trapped in the Phantom Zone, and I’m so here for the Superfriends moving heaven and earth to try and get her back. Brainy remains my completely-biased favorite (video evidence for the reasons why,) and the prom two-parter with him and Nia was just everything I could want, but I love all of them and their relationships with each other.

Tony Leung Chiu-wai
Yeah, this one obviously isn’t a surprise. Amidst all that’s gone on in the last 16 months, there was a small part of my brain that was eternally preoccupied with, “Get it together and listen to the CDC, people! We can’t let Shang-Chi get postponed again!” When the first trailer finally came out, I absolutely watched it multiple times a day for the first week, because I’ve been ready to see Tony Leung Chiu-wai as the Mandarin since the movie was first announced in 2019 and I’ve been ready to see him in an American movie for at least 10 years now. Between the Shang-Chi of it all and Wong Kong-wai recently getting the Criterion treatment, it’s a good time to be a Leung fan – it’s weirdly gratifying to see other fans on social media freaking out about him in the Shang-Chi trailers or salivating over the remastered Wong Blu-rays. From now until September, this is my refrain.

The SQUIP (Be More Chill)
I’ve always had a lot of affection for non-human characters who are depicted as very blatantly non-human, and the SQUIP really scratches that itch for me. I mean, start with the fact that its name is an acronym, continue onto the fact that it sounds like Keanu Reeves, and round things off the sharp right angles of its hypnotic hand motions. What more could I want in a weird sci-fi musical? Hand in hand with that is a newfound love for actor Jason Tam, who has a fantastic voice and played the part so well – seeing videos of him in action as the SQUIP led me to some other performances of his.

Jesper Fahey (Shadow and Bone)
We stan a sharpshooting bicon dripping with self-confidence and a ferocity of love for his friends. I enjoyed Shadow and Bone as a whole (along with its charming cast’s virtual press tour,) and I’m excited for season 2, but Jesper is far and away my favorite. He’s cocky, charming, hilarious, honest, and affectionate, and he wields a pair of revolvers like nobody’s business. Kit Young does a fantastic job in the role and plays beautifully off of Amita Suman’s Inej and Freddy Carter’s Kaz. Well-made Jesper fan videos are an ideal pick-me-up.
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