Ace! A badass companion by any definition. Ace is a scrapper who doesn’t take crap from anybody. I love her relish for getting into trouble and then getting herself out of it. Here are five instances of her doing her thing (spoilers.)

Escaping Kane (Series 24, Episode 12 – “Dragonfire: Episode 1”)
When Kane catches Mel and Ace, he recognizes both Ace’s talent for explosives and her dissatisfaction with her humdrum surroundings. He tries to recruit her for his mercenary army, playing on her lust for adventure and excitement. You can tell Ace isn’t faking her interest in what she’s saying, but she manages to resist, instead pulling out a can of her ever-trusty Nitro-9 to hold the baddies at bay while she and Mel escape.

Destroying the Dalek (Series 25, Episode 2 – “Remembrance of the Daleks: Episode 2”)
What’s a girl to do when the Doctor has already used your Nitro-9 on one Dalek and there are more gliding about? Commandeer a rocket launcher from the local squaddies, of course! Ace and the Doctor come across a Dalek in the halls of Coal Hill School, and Ace doesn’t forget the cardinal rules of trying to shoot a Dalek: 1) bring the big guns, and 2) aim for the eyestalk. Got it in one!

Smashing the Dalek (Series 25, Episode 2 – “Remembrance of the Daleks: Episode 2”)
I’m sorry, was shooting a Dalek with a rocket launcher not enough for a single episode? When Ace gets cornered at the school again later on, she pulls out her trusty baseball bat (which has now packs an extra whallop, thanks to the Hand of Omega) and starts wailing on the Dalek. She doesn’t outright destroy this one, but she knocks off its eyestalk, blinding it and giving her a chance to escape by jumping through a plate-glass window. Nerves of steel, that one!

Taking Out the Cybermen (Series 25, Episode 10 – “Silver Nemesis: Episode 3”)
Gold is one of the few materials that Cybermen are vulnerable to, and Ace takes advantage of that in rather spectacular fashion. Armed with a slingshot and a bag of gold coins, she takes out multiple Cybermen who are chasing her. The cherry on top of this Big Damn Hero moment, though, comes when she only has one coin left and three Cybermen are closing in on her. She hits one with her last gold coin and then ducks, causing the other two to get caught in one another’s crossfire as they both try to shoot at her. Ace is often very impulsive, so it’s nice to see her strategizing a little here.

Defeating the Clowns (Series 25, Episode 13 – “The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Episode 3”)
How a companion behaves when they’re afraid is always a good indicator of what they’re like. Ace doesn’t like clowns (and protests too much that that doesn’t mean she’s scared of them,) but with two robotic clowns from the Psychic Circus backing her into a corner, she keeps a lid of her fear. Holding it together, she yanks the arm off one and prepares to beat both of them with it before they power down.
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