Sunday, April 7, 2019

Top Five Big Damn Hero Moments: Harry Sullivan (Doctor Who)

Harry isn’t always the most appreciated of companions – the Fourth Doctor’s declaration, “Harry Sullivan is an imbecile!” will forever live in infamy – but there are a few important things to remember.  Harry never actually signs up to travel with the Doctor, and for much of his time on the show, he, the Doctor, and Sarah Jane are actually separated from the TARDIS and trying to get back to it, even more adrift in time and space than is usual for the Doctor.  But despite being thrown into a situation he’s so unprepared for, Harry does find his bearings and contribute to team TARDIS in meaningful ways during his tenure as a companion (spoilers.)

Reviving the Crew Members (Series 12, Episode 7 – “The Ark in Space:  Episode 3”)

When Nerva Station’s chief medic has more immediate matters to attend to, it’s little wonder that Harry is a bit apprehensive when the Doctor volunteers him to continue the job of reviving the crew members in their sleep pods:  after all, the Doctor has been complaining about Harry’s mishaps and evident uselessness pretty much since they left the TARDIS.  But the Doctor is ready to believe in him now, and with a little nudging, Harry agrees that, having seen the revivification process, he’s equipped to perform it himself.  Unexpectedly in space for the first time in his life, with dangerous aliens on the loose, Harry manages to operate medical equipment from the future to bring key crew members out of their induced sleep.  Not a bad job for the old boy!

Sabotaging Styre’s Energizer (Series 12, Episode 10 – “The Sontaran Experiment:  Episode 2”)

At the Doctor’s instruction, Harry 1) sneaks into a Sontaran ship, 2) finds some random piece of the circuitry that the Doctor has described to him, 3) removes it, and 4) sneaks out again, all while avoiding detection.  Even if the Doctor tells him to do it and Harry doesn’t really understand why he’s doing it in the first place, it shows off his bravery and capability and, oh yeah, totally saves the day.  His actions reverse the ship’s energizer, and the next time Styre tries to take in energy through his probic vent, it instead sucks the life out of him.  Pretty badass, even if Harry didn’t know it!

Stabilizing the Land Mine (Series 12, Episode 11 – “Genesis of the Daleks:  Episode 1”)

Okay, so I’m not really sure how it would help to stabilize the underside of a land mine once someone’s already stepped on it, but we’ll just go with it; Harry saves the Doctor by wedging rocks under the land mine and then holding it steady when the Doctor takes his foot off it.  But more significant than what Harry actually does here is the careful calm with which he does it.  It’s probably the most cool and collected we ever see Harry act in a crisis.  I love how he instantly steps into action, and when the Doctor urges him to back away (so Harry won’t get caught in any blast if things go wrong,) Harry simply points out that the Doctor has a better chance with him holding the mine and adds, “Now don’t argue, Doctor.”  Harry Sullivan at his finest, in my opinion.

Busting the Chains (Series 12, Episode 18 – “Revenge of the Cybermen:  Episode 2”)

When Harry and Sarah Jane are captured by the Vogans, Harry’s the one who realizes that their chains are made of solid gold.  While Sarah Jane dismisses it as Harry being preoccupied with wealth, Harry sees a more immediate opportunity:  since gold is a very soft metal, they can use a hard rock to get through it.  After a number of solid whacks, Harry manages to flatten Sarah Jane’s ankle chain enough that she can slip her foot through, freeing her.

Saving the Doctor (Series 13, Episode 3 – “Terror of the Zygons:  Episode 3”)

The Doctor is in big trouble, with the skarasen/Loch Ness Monster bearing him on him.  Fortunately, Harry has escaped the pod where he’s being held on the Zygon ship and, seeing the Doctor’s plight on the monitor screens, he throws himself onto the control console and starts desperately mashing buttons (a time-honored strategy for non-techie companions everywhere!)  The fact that it works is just pure luck, but what’s more impressive is that Harry is surrendered by Zygons when he does this.  His kneejerk reaction is to try anything to save the Doctor, even at great personal risk to himself – aww.

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