Thursday, April 19, 2018

In the Heights: Songs 1-5

In the Heights, of course, was the show that introduced me to Lin-Manuel Miranda, and while I can objectively say that Hamilton is better, In the Heights is still a stunning debut.  It was something completely new for Broadway, and to this day, its songs continue to wow me.  I did a Top Five songs for the show some time back, but now let’s go through the score one song at time (note:  in these posts, I’ll reprint my comments on the songs I picked for my original Top Five.)

“In the Heights” – The fabulous opener introduces the major characters, as well as the central focus of everyone in the neighborhood doing their best to get by.  Though these characters aren’t rich or even comfortable, they don’t dwell on it, instead emphasizing community, relationships, and dreams.  Not to mention, Usnavi’s witty, exuberant rapping fits him to a T.

Best line:  “I am Usnavi / And you prob’ly never heard my name; / Reports of my fame / Are greatly exaggerated.”

“Breathe” – Our introduction to Nina.  A lovely exploration of being “the neighborhood hope” and then feeling like you don’t measure up when you’re sent out into the world to succeed.  I love the interlude of the neighbors singing to Nina, and Mandy Gonzalez’s performance beautifully captures the weight Nina feels on her shoulders and her fear that she’s letting everyone down.

Best line:  “How do I tell them why / I’m coming back home / With my eyes on the horizon? / Just me and the GWB, / Asking, gee Nina, / What’ll you be?”

“Benny’s Dispatch” – This is the Lin-Manuel Miranda rhyme-machine in peak form, a really fun number of Benny showing off his skills running the dispatch for the cab company.  The rhymes flow fast and furious, and I enjoy seeing the way Benny’s self-assured routine gets a little more put-on the second Nina walks in the door.

Best line:  “Check it, / Don’t get stuck in the rubber-neckin’ / On 192nd, / There’s a double-decker bus wreck.”

“It Won’t Be Long Now”In the Heights sometimes feels filled with “I want” songs, and this is one of the best.  Vanessa has been spinning her wheels at the salon, but this upbeat solo shows how she pushes aside her problems to keep her goals firmly in view.

Best line:  “As I sweep the curb, / I can hear those turbo engines / Blazing a trail through the sky. / I look up and think about the years gone by, / But one day - / I’m walkin’ to JFK / And I’m gonna fly!”

InĂștil – A really beautiful number, Kevin expressing his feelings of powerlessness, the sense of futility that, despite his best efforts, he fears he’s inherited from his father.  The song’s gentle melody gives the plaintive lyrics room to shine.

Best line:  “I will not be the reason / That my family can’t succeed. / I will do what it takes, / They’ll have everything they need. / Or my work, all my life, / Everything I’ve sacrificed / Will have been useless.”

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