Saturday, September 23, 2017

Relationship Spotlight: Zhu-ge Liang & Zhou Yu (Red Cliff)

There are two Red Cliff movies, so it’s only fair that I have two A Little TLC(w) posts in lieu of the reviews I already wrote.  Last time was a Favorite Characters post on Tony Leung Chiu-wai’s character Zhou Yu, and today, we’re looking at the relationship in the films between him and Zhu-ge Liang (some Zhou Yu-Zhu-ge Liang-related spoilers.)

From the start, the circumstances between these two are perilous.  They back different leaders – Zhu-ge Liang is a strategist for Liu Bei, while Zhou Yu serves as a viceroy under Sun Quan.  The two kingdoms aren’t in conflict with each other at the moment, but it’s a contentious time, and land and resources could certainly bring them to blows sooner rather than later.  However, Zhu-ge Liang is the one who has the vision that the two leaders need to unite their armies in order to beat back the tyrannous Cao Cao, and he convinces his lord to send him south to try and broker an alliance.

Getting Sun Quan, the young southern duke, on his side is no easy task, and in order to do that, Zhu-ge Liang first has to win over Zhou Yu, who has the duke’s ear and can bring him around.  As soon as these guys are onscreen together, they’re wary of one another but also impressed with what they see.  Zhou Yu notes Zhu-ge Liang’s frankness and cool practicality, and Zhu-ge Liang admires Zhou Yu’s integrity.  However, it’s not over training maneuvers that they decide to come together.  Zhu-ge Liang proves himself to Zhou Yu by helping one of his horses through a difficult birth, and the two later bond over music.  Playing the qin together, they don’t come to any agreements about the war, but Zhu-ge Liang leaves for the night convinced that Zhou Yu is in, declaring that he heard Zhou Yu’s answer in his playing.

That’s a rather unconventional way to become allies in a war together, but hey – it seems to work for them.  There are a lot of competing voices from both sides of the blended army, but it’s always Zhou Yu and Zhu-ge Liang who are the strongest voices of reason and intuition.  Both have an immense talent for strategy, though each brings his own skill set to the table; Zhou Yu is a great observer of human behavior and can predict Cao Cao’s next moves, while Zhu-ge Liang employs his knowledge of science to use the natural world to their advantage.  Each has his moments of brilliance, where the other just sort of sits back and admires his ideas, and they also work incredibly well off each other.  They often take a thought together, passing it back and forth and fine-tuning it until it becomes what their army needs.  I love how eager each is to listen to what the other has to say – this is, by and large, a partnership without ego, and each would rather be right together than surpass the other.

Which isn’t to say that all is love and brotherhood between them.  Running beneath their interactions – unspoken most of the time, although they do discuss it with each other on occasion – is the fact that their ultimate loyalties tend different ways.  It’s all well and good coming together to fight Cao Cao but if, in the future, Liu Bei crosses swords with Sun Quan, Zhu-ge Liang and Zhou Yu will find themselves on opposite sides.  Both hate the idea of fighting the other, which they openly admit to one another, but they also make it clear that they will fight if it comes down to it.  As such, the alliance between them is deep, full of respect for each other’s knowledge and abilities, but it’s also fragile, subject to the whims of their individual leaders – all in all, it makes for a really intriguing dynamic between them.

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