Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Smilla’s Sense of Snow (1997, R)

There’s something in the air – do you feel it?  Could it be…?  Why, yes, it’s… Capaldi Summer!  After an absurd number of months sitting at the top of my Netflix queue, Smilla’s Sense of Snow has finally made its way to me.  Just in time, too.  We’re getting our first proper Twelve story on the 23rd, and it’s nice to be able to cross this PC project off my list, finally.
The eponymous Smilla is a Greenlander living in Denmark, a guarded woman with high walls and a sharp mouth.  However, she’s developed a hard-earned soft spot for her six-year-old neighbor Isaiah, and when the boy dies unexpectedly, her spidey sense starts tingling.  Despite what the authorities say, she can’t buy Isaiah’s death as an accident, and her ensuing investigation takes her down a dangerous road.
Smilla meets many people throughout her crusade, some helpful, some nefarious.  PC’s Birgo Lander is one of the few trustworthy souls who makes an effort to aid her.  Her queries take her to the coast, and Birgo, a wealthy club owner with plenty of seafaring connections, can hook her up with the transport she’s looking for.
All told, it’s a decent little role (“little” being an operative word, since PC is only in a few scenes.)  Birgo is suave and urbane, with a perceptive eye.  He’s also impressively bold; as rich as he is, he probably leads a fairly cushy life, but he takes a not-insignificant risk for Smilla’s sake.
The movie stars Julia Ormond, who starred in previous Capaldi Fall participant Captives.  Gabriel Byrne, who will always be Professor Bhaer to me, plays a major role, and Vanessa Redgrave, Jim Broadbent, and Tom Wilkinson are all featured.  (And, side note – after getting this film, I did a cursory check of my online PC sources, and a rare miniseries of his has surfaced, so expect a few more Capaldi Fall entries before the 23rd.)
Accent Watch
A very posh-sounding RP.  Pretty decent, but some of those Rs are out of control.
In General – I would.  The story’s interesting and well-told, full of suspense.  The acting is excellent, and I really enjoyed seeing a film with a Greenlander slant; don’t think I’ve ever seen that in a movie before.
PC-wise – It’s a good performance, but very short.  Save it for later, after you’ve seen PC’s more prominent stuff.  But hey!  If you put it at the top of your Netflix queue now, you might get it by the time series 8 of Who wraps up.
Dark subject matter, some violence, swearing, and sexual content.

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