Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Best Moments: The Avengers

And here we are back at The Avengers, the movie with too much awesome for one review.  Granted, it also has too much awesome for two reviews, so I’m limiting myself – one great scene per Avenger.  It’s a hard job, but somebody’s gotta do it.  Spoilers ahead, obviously.
Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man:  Tony confronts Loki – Tony’s cockiness is no secret, and it’s been known to get him in trouble, but he puts it to good use in this scene.  He arrives at Stark Tower to threaten Loki (not stall – he’s very clear about that,) keeping his nerve as he gets up close and personal with the murderous trickster god.  He plays it cool and flippant, despite the obvious danger, and he’s also smart enough to have an admittedly-risky exit strategy planned.
(Couldn't find a picture from the scene I wanted, so here's one from earlier in the battle.)

Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America:  Cap saves a subway station full of people – Okay, so I adore the heck out of Cap, and he’s pretty amazing in this movie.  He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s BAMF, he’s humorously befuddled, he’s tactical...  If I can only pick one moment, though, props must go to the big save he pulls off during the final battle with the Chitauri.  He singlehandedly takes on a mess of Chitauri, calmly and capably facilitates of the rescue of countless civilians, and puts his shield to impressive use.  Cap for the win!

Thor:  Thor fights the Hulk – I’ve mentioned my love for this scene before, but it bears repeating.  Thor is just the man here; I love the way he engages the Hulk to keep him away from the human SHIELD agents like Black Widow, and I like that, though both parties are getting some serious knocks in, Thor is clearly just keeping the Hulk busy and tries to reach Bruce inside “the other guy.”  Oh, and Mjolnir busts through multiple walls to get to Thor when he needs it – the simple yet heartwarming story of a god and his hammer.

Dr. Bruce Banner a.k.a. The Hulk:  Bruce meets Black Widow in India – After hiding out as a doctor in Calcutta, Bruce is picked up by SHIELD following a heart-to-heart with Natasha.  It’s our first real look at Bruce, and he’s immediately fantastic.  He’s serious and soft-spoken, a naturally-gentle man who simultaneously lets it be known he’s not a pushover.  He regards Natasha cautiously and puts on a mask of rage to see how she reacts, apologizing afterwards on the grounds that the ruse was too “mean.”  This scene was all it took to convince me that we’d finally found the cinematic Hulk we’ve been waiting for.

Natasha Romanov a.k.a. Black Widow:  Black Widow fights Russian mobsters while tied to a chair – Oh, goodness gracious, how I love the chair fight.  This fast, brutal, stunningly-choreographed action scene makes it clear why a non-super-powered human like Natasha is one of the Avengers – she’s astounding.  And beyond the incredible fighting, she’s cool as a cucumber, taking phone calls in the middle of a prospective torture session and maintaining that the mobsters are “giving her everything” when she’s the one being interrogated.

Clint Barton a.k.a. Hawkeye:  Hawkeye keeps a lookout – This one is tough, since Hawkeye spends most of the film as one of Loki’s brainwashed slaves.  By the end, however, he’s rejoined the fold and takes to the rooftops for the final battle.  His eyes in the sky survey the entire chaotic scene, directing his fellow Avengers to crucial areas, offering advice, and using his bow to pick off Chitauri without even looking at them.  Not a bad comeback.

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