Saturday, February 15, 2014

In Deep: Series 3, Episode 8 – “Character Assassins: Part 2” (2003)

Technically, this is yesterday's update.  It was all dressed up and ready to go, but my Internet deserted me, and I wasn't able to put it up until now.  You may find another post cropping up later today.
In all, I’d say In Deep is a decent if unremarkable crime drama.  The reveals are a bit too telegraphed, and both the cops spend let their personal lives interfere far too much with their work (if I’d been Jeremy, I’d wouldn’t have wanted my life in their hands,) but the set-up of the story is interesting.  Also, I like that the one-off characters feel fairly lived-in; it doesn’t seem like they’ve only sprung into existence for the sake of the regulars.
Jeremy gets a little more focus this time around.  Once again, we see how dedicated he is to his cause, subjecting legalized cannabis to government regulation rather than leaving it to dealers and street thugs.  His devotion to it blinds him to the very real danger he’s in, and it’s also clear that it’s put a strain on his relationship with his partner.  There are a few really well-done scenes between them.  I get the impression that Jeremy loves his partner, but though he’s aware that he’s not as attentive or sharing as he should be, he can’t pull himself away from work long enough to try to improve things.
There’s also his final scene in the episode.  I don’t want to get into it too much, since it deals with specific revelations in the story, but it’s a fine showcase for PC.  It’s a chance to see Jeremy perhaps as the politician he wants to be:  not the one who plays the game the right way, not the one who has the press wrapped around his little finger, but the one who has passion for a cause worth fighting for.  It’s a good scene, and PC is great in it.
I should mention that Dom, the potentially-blackmailing rent boy, is played by Jody Latham from the original U.K. version of Shameless.  I always enjoyed him as Lip and was delighted to see him return in the final season (goodness gracious, we needed at least one Gallagher kid around!)  Also featured is Ralph Ineson, perhaps best known for playing Finchy on the U.K. version of The Office (he was on Game of Thrones as well, part of Theon’s crowd in season 2.)
And as we bring In Deep to a close…
Accent Watch
I don’t know if PC’s RP is better in the roles I’ve been watching lately, or if I’ve just gotten used to his sometimes-shaky accent work.  Either way, there’s not much to complain about here.
In General – Not sure – maybe.  If you’re into crime procedurals, it might be up your alley.
PC-wise – Again, maybe.  Part 2 is definitely better than part 1 in the PC department, so possibly just check out that one?
Nothing new.

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