Thursday, February 13, 2014

In Deep: Series 3, Episode 7 – “Character Assassins: Part 1” (2003)

Since PC has nearly exhausted the list of British crime shows I’ve heard of, I’ve now moved on to one that’s new to me.  The title, it seems, refers to “deep cover.”  The show follows the personal and professional lives of Liam and Garth, a pair of officers.
This two-part story finds the coppers in question investigating an attempt on the life of a politician.  There’s some suspicion that it may have been an inside job, so their involvement is utterly secret.  Unfortunately for them, the investigation requires them to be armed and follow the man’s every move, so if anyone notices what they’re doing, they’ll look an awful lot like assassins themselves.
The endangered politician is Jeremy, played by PC.    Jeremy is an MP who appears to be gearing up to announce the legalization of cannabis.  As such, there are all sorts of potential shooters – an angry protester, a disillusioned copper, an entitled drug dealer – and it turns out his problems might not even end there.  A young rent boy has been rather insistently calling his hotel and may or may not be looking to blackmail him.  It never rains but it pours, eh?
Despite his importance to the plot, Jeremy doesn’t exactly have a surfeit of screentime or characterization.  He’s dedicated to his job; even after an unknown assailant tries to shoot him, his chief focus is on his career instead of his safety.  As his partner discusses increased security detail, his response is essentially, “Yeah, yeah, death threat, blah, blah, blah – but what’s the best move politically?”  Hopefully, his tunnel vision doesn’t get him killed.
It’s interesting to note how un-noteworthy Jeremy’s sexuality is.  From what I can see, he’s an out politician with a long-established partner, but no one actually mentions that fact – it just is.  I can’t even picture that scenario on an American TV show, especially not ten years ago.
Part 1 impressions:
Accent Watch
A decent RP.  A few Scottish vowels poking through, but nothing major.
In General – Possibly.  I like the angle of cops having to sneak around and avoid getting caught by the security guards of the man they’re protecting.  Not one you see too often!
PC-wise – Not so far.  I’ll give my final word tomorrow, but there’s just isn’t enough to Jeremy yet.  No chance for PC to show off.
Drug references, obviously.  Violence and some sexual content, including discussion of solicitation.

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