Saturday, January 18, 2014

The All New Alexei Sayle Show: Series 2, Episode 6 (1995)

I hate to be all, “Ding-dong, the sketch comedy show is dead,” but… let’s just say I’ll be glad to move on to a new project.  While not as unenjoyable to me as Rab C. Nesbitt or Unhitched, the best word I have for The All New Alexei Sayle Show is “unimpressive.”
Anyway, we’ve got one last “Drunk in Time” sketch.  For their final adventure, the under-the-table duo are sent back to biblical times.  Jim Carter plays Herod, and Salome is dancing for the head of John the Baptist.    If you’d like, you can watch it here.
Final tally for “drunk” synonyms:
  • Sloshed
  • Inebriated
  • Alcohol-soaked
  • Intoxicated
  • In the bag
  • Wasted
  • Smashed
  • Potted
  • Under the table
For a total of nine!  (I make my own fun.)
And with that, let’s unceremoniously bring The All New Alexei Sayle Show to an end.
Accent Watch
RP for the Sherlock Holmes sketch in series 1, Scouse for Doug in series 2’s “Drunk in Time” sketches.
In General – Naw.  Too meh.
PC-wise – I’d recommend the Sherlock Holmes sketch.  “Drunk in Time” just isn’t terribly funny and doesn’t give PC much to do, so you can easily give those sketches a pass.
Nothing really beyond what I’ve previously stated.

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