Friday, January 17, 2014

The All New Alexei Sayle Show: Series 2, Episode 5 (1995)

Because nothing says Mongolian warrior like “Downton Abbey’s Mr. Carson,” today’s “Drunk in Time” sequence features Jim Carter as Genghis Khan.  It annoys me that, while black-face is obviously understood to be horrifically insensitive, the same isn’t universally accepted for other races.  Now, it doesn’t look like he was actually made up to appear Mongolian, but The All New Alexei Sayle Show was already on probation for me (since the very white Sayle played a Native American stereotype in a sketch yesterday,) and seeing Jim Carter playing Genghis Khan doesn’t help.
Not much to say about PC’s Doug or his potted pal.  Last episode of this show tomorrow, and I’ll be ready for it.
However, I have to admit that today’s episode features a running Waiting for Godot gag that I appreciate.  How awesome is Britain that even middling sketch-comedy shows can throw in a little Beckett now and again?

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