Sunday, May 12, 2024

Doctor Who: Season 1, Episode 1 – “Space Babies” (2024)

*Episode premise spoilers.*

New season, Who dis??? I’ve been pumped waiting for this show to come back. While not the strongest season opener on record, it’s fun and mysterious, and I could watch Fifteen and Ruby together all day.

It’s time for Ruby’s first trips in the TARDIS! After a whirlwind stop in the past, the Fifteenth Doctor takes her to the far future, where they find a “baby farm” on an abandoned space station. The adults have gone, but there’s a terrifying monster prowling the lower decks, and the Doctor and Ruby are astounded to meet a group of “space babies” keeping the station afloat.

Because Fifteen and Ruby had their first adventure during the Christmas special, which ended with Ruby stepping inside the TARDIS for the first time, this episode begins in kind of an awkward place for a season premiere. Ruby has already decided to come along, so we begin kind of in the middle of things, but the Doctor gives her a full pre-flight spiel before they go anywhere, which means the episode takes a while to really get going. On the positive side, it’s good that this Doctor is taking a more upfront approach with his companion, but the exposition comes off a little clunky, despite Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson’s energy/charm selling it for all they’re worth. Also, while I thought the Timeless Child references were done pretty well in the 60th anniversary and Christmas specials, they feel kind of belabored here, hammering it home too thickly.

However, once we get to the space station and meet the space babies, it’s off to the races! Is it corny and ridiculous? Of course, but in a positively fabulous way! The babies tooling around in their motorized strollers is a hoot, and both Ruby and the Doctor radiate the most adorable energy when they’re surrounded by space babies. I love how earnest and respectful the Doctor is to the station’s captain, telling her, “Nobody grows up wrong. You are what you are, and that is magnificent.” And I laughed out loud when he accidentally freaks out the babies with video footage of the monster down below. Meanwhile, there’s nothing Ruby won’t do for these babies—this is a bonkers first adventure in the TARDIS, but she is strapped in and ready to roll with whatever wild punches she needs to.

For such a silly premise, the episode packs in intriguing mystery—for both the story at hand and hints of the overall season arc—emotional moments, and even a bit of social commentary. I really like how everything ties together, and it definitely has me looking forward to the rest of the season.

As with the Christmas special, the best part of the episode is the Doctor’s dynamic with Ruby, which is already magical. They kind of have Ten-and-Donna bestie vibes, and you know I’m down for that. I love that the Doctor can go from busting up laughing at Ruby over a wild predicament to holding her tightly and repeating, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” when he blames himself for putting her in danger. They are just so much fun together, and I think they might be the ideal Doctor-companion duo to thrive in a goofy story like this.

Despite the slow start to the episode, I had a humungous grin on my face as soon as it got rolling, and I even got a little emotional toward the end. And since the first two episodes of the season dropped together, I’ll be back with more Doctor Who tomorrow!

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