Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Other Doctor Lives: DuckTales: Season 3, Episode 13 – “Escape from the ImpossiBin!” (2020)

*Spoilers for the end of episode 12.*

The last episode ended with a big reveal for the family, and this is an excellent follow-up. But I like that it doesn’t dive straight into a big clash with the newly unmasked baddies—rather, we get to see how different members of the gang react to the news they’ve just gotten.

At the end of “Let’s Get Dangerous!”, Scrooge and co. learn that Bradford Buzzard (along with the rest of Scrooge’s board) is part of F.O.W.L., an organization intent on taking over the world. This puts the mansion into action mode. Mrs. Beakley is prepared to train the boys with the toughest love possible, telling them to ready themselves for an attack from Webby that could come at any moment. Meanwhile, Scrooge has done All the Things to increase security at his money bin, and he needs Louie and Della, two cunning people he knows he can trust, to test out the new system for weaknesses.

It's another episode that mines its plot, humor, and heart from everyone being perfectly in character. Huey and Dewey both react to an imminent attack from Webby exactly like you’d think they would. Huey is a nervous wreck at the unknowns hanging over his head—“At any time? Any place? But how can we prepare for that???”—while Dewey confidently lugs around a sword he can’t even lift. And Webby is at her off-kilter best, popping up eerily throughout the episode to scare the boys with her numerous tactical skills. But at the same time, all this is fueled by Mrs. Beakley’s ruthless adherence to her training plan, which in turn is informed by her fears of what could happen if they’re not ready to take on F.O.W.L.

Over in the other major plot, Della is of course gung ho to try out Scrooge’s new security system, although she initially underestimates just how intensely he’s cranked up the heat—“Ugh, saw blades?” she drawls with disappointment when she sees the first of their many obstacles. Louie, unsurprisingly, is disinterested in the whole thing, but once he and Della are thrown into it, he uses his quick thinking to stay abreast of the bin’s many dangers. Also, I love him griping to Scrooge, “You’re the oldest man in the world! How is your password not ‘1234’?”

Much like Mrs. Beakley, Scrooge is being way extra due to his concerns about Bradford and F.O.W.L. As he, Della, and Louie go through his test, Louie has to constantly remind him that the security system could legitimately kill them if they can’t outsmart it, because Scrooge keeps his focus on how well it can keep his money safe. When it looks like they’re about to die, he cheerily remarks, “You have to admit, I’ve really done us in this time” (cue Louie, “Stop sounding proud of that!”) When they scrape by one level of security and make it to the next, he grumbles, “Lousy ineffective death trap” (cue Louie, “That is a good thing!”)

Scrooge goes through a lot of emotions here, which gives David Tennant a lot to play with. Scrooge is gleeful/smug when the security system seems impenetrable, cranky/irate when it looks like it might not be, and when it comes down to it, very worried about the threat that F.O.W.L. poses. “Please, you’re Scrooge McDuck!” Louie reminds him. In response, Scrooge snaps, “And what if that’s not enough this time?” I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes next!

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