Saturday, February 10, 2024

Favorite Characters: Wee John Feeney (Our Flag Means Death)

*Wee John-related spoilers.*

I’ll be honest: Wee John was the first character that I considered doing a Character Highlight post for rather than a Favorite Characters, just because he gets fewer standout moments than a lot of the other crew members. But no matter how small the bit is, he’s great in it. And the standout moments he does get? Spectacular! Not to mention, I don’t recognize Hodor at all in this performance, to the point that I was surprised when I realized Kristian Nairn played both roles, so he’s clearly doing something right!

There are different times in the series where Wee John’s size is used to intimidate. I think of the moment in the pilot where he busts in on the crew trying to fool the British naval officers, and his entrance is a real “all hell breaks loose” signal. Or there’s the scene where he’s sent to steal the Red Flag’s wheel, tearing it off so they can use it to repair the Revenge. Instances where he’s supposed to appear brutish and scary.

But at the exact same time, we’re shown evidence of Wee John’s softer side. One of the very first things we learn about him is that he used to help his mom sew dresses. Throughout season 2, he’s often seen knitting in the group scenes—shades of Emerson Cod from Pushing Daisies, another big guy who loves a good pair of knitting needles—and he eventually starts wearing some of the clothes he’s made. And of course, his crowning triumph comes when he shows off his look for Calypso’s birthday. Dressed as Calypso the sea goddess, she’s both formidable and glorious, giving us “dramatic eyes, dramatic lips, [and] drama on the cheeks.”

Obviously, there’s nothing to prevent Wee John from cracking skulls and serving drama, but even on a show like Our Flag Means Death that explores gender in such complex ways, I love how we get to see these different sides of him, that a big guy like Wee John is allowed to be gentle and love pretty things.

The other episode that best highlights Wee John comes after Jim’s (temporary) exit in season 1, when a depressed Oluwande gives their room away and Wee John and Frenchie snatch it up, relishing their chance to become “room people.” They’re just delightful together—when Frenchie wants to draw up blueprints for their interior decorating plans, Wee John comes up with having a sitting nook and putting out a bowl of mints for guests.

Let’s end, as always, with a few great line readings from Kristian Nairn!

·        After Jim’s disguise is revealed, the crew bickers over whether or not they’ll still go by Jim now that they’re “a lady” – Roach points out that he has an uncle named Margaret, and I love how thoughtfully Wee John replies, “Margaret’s kind of an either/or name. I think Jim is strictly for dudes.”

·        Oluwande regrets giving the room away and asks if he can just sleep in the corner, but Frenchie tells him, “Oh no, that’s our nook” – Wee John, of course, adds seriously, “And this nook is only for sittin’.”

·        Aboard the Red Flag, the crew gets hints of the building conflict between Lucius and Stede – When Lucius rushes off back to “towels,” where he and Stede both work on the ship, Wee John just injects so much sincerity into the question, “What the hell is going on in towels?”

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