Thursday, January 25, 2024

Favorite Characters: Baze Malbus (Star Wars)

*Baze-related spoilers for Rogue One.*

Much like with Jyn, I wrote a Relationship Spotlight post for Baze and Chirrut after Rogue One came out, but while I did a separate Favorite Characters post for Chirrut, I somehow missed Baze. Rectifying that now!

It’s true that, in the Rogue One crew, Baze doesn’t get as much of a chance to distinguish himself as some of the others. Chirrut, for instance, gets a lot of focus on his own, but Baze often comes as a package deal with his old friend/possible husband (I’m not a truther or anything, but I definitely see it.) Of the two, he’s far less talkative, and he doesn’t have many one-on-one interactions with members of the team besides Chirrut.

And yet, despite being a bit more in the background, Baze’s characterization comes through nicely. Like Chirrut, he’s a former guardian of the Temple of the Kyber on Jedha—a temple the Empire destroyed. Now that the temple is gone, Baze stands in stark contrast to his better half. While Chirrut is still dedicated to their religion and to the Force, Baze has lost his faith. He fondly teases Chirrut at times for his beliefs, such as when they’re captured by Saw Gerrera and Baze notes that Chirrut is praying for their cell door to open.

In their dynamic, I’m reminded just a tiny bit of Enjolras and Grantaire from Les MiserĂ¡bles, specifically this exchange between them in the book. Enjolras, aggravated by Grantaire’s lack of passion for the revolution, tells him, “You don’t believe in anything.” Grantaire simply replies, “I believe in you.” In any other regard, I wouldn’t compare either Chirrut or Baze to Enjolras or Grantaire, but in this small moment, I see it.

Because for all his gruffness and eyerolling, Baze is ride or die for Chirrut. Interpret that however you like, but Baze considers himself Chirrut’s protector. When his comrade points himself in the direction of danger, counting on his belief in the Force to keep him safe, Baze is the one begrudgingly following behind with a big gun. He goes where Chirrut goes, looking after him and standing behind him. (By the way, there’s never any sense between them that Baze’s protective attitude is related to Chirrut’s blindness—Baze knows how capable Chirrut is, but he also knows that Chirrut likes to push his luck.)

So when Chirrut steps in to help Jyn and Cassian on Jedha, Baze is there. This extends to their capture by Saw’s rebels, their desperate escape from Jedha and the subsequent mission to Eadu, and finally, to backing up Jyn as she works to steal the Death Star plans. Fighting on the beach, Baze is grief-stricken when Chirrut is killed in the battle. After his loved one dies in his arms, Baze rises, fanning the last spark of his faith into a flame as he goes out guns blazing.

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