Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Book of Rannells: Big Mouth: Season 7, Episode 2 – “Epididymitis” (2023)

*Mild spoilers for episode 1.*

Hardly any Andrew Rannells/Matthew in this episode, but still a fun one. Be forewarned, though, it definitely swings toward the grosser end of the Big Mouth spectrum!

Thanks to a “Rube Goldberg-esque chain of events,” Andrew hurts his epididymis. The prescription? No masturbating for three weeks! As he goes swiftly stir-crazy, Nick turns to Jay for help with bulking up and Jessi is caught off guard by her thoughts when she sees Caitlin breastfeeding baby Delilah.

Andrew is definitely going through it in this episode. Not only is he in a lot of pain, he has Maury in his ear constantly trying to get him to do the one thing that will make his pain undeniably worse. There’s a solid ick factor here, but we get some funny stuff too. When Andrew laments at school about how badly he misses jerking off, I love Jessi’s deadpan, “Okay, it was my fault for engaging.” And his plan to distract himself/think unsexy thoughts by accompanying his mom to the grocery store of course goes terribly awry. “Maury!” he exclaims. “Of course you’re in the produce aisle, this place is dripping with raw sensuality.”

The Jessi-Caitlin storyline is good. It’s the sort of puberty thing that can hit a kid out of nowhere—in this case, being fascinated by your dad’s girlfriend’s post-pregnancy boobs—and not know what the hell it even means. Jessi, having just side eyed Andrew at school for being a creepy perv, is quick to deny and try to avoid her own reaction to Caitlin’s boobs. “That was a very bad, very weird daydream,” she says. “I wish I could wash my brain.” Her and Connie attempting to untangle these feelings is good, and the plot takes some awkward, interesting turns.

In the season premiere, Nick was dismayed to realize that his older sister’s friends don’t like him because he’s cool—they like him because they see him as a cute widdle guy. He can’t do much about his height at this point, but he does decide it’s time to get swole, which is where Jay comes in. Nick and Jay don’t have a ton of plots together, but they’re always funny when they interact. I love how enthusiastically Jay tells Nick, “Wait until you smell my home gym. Imagine if chicken soup had B.O.”

Matthew comes in, briefly, to the Nick storyline. When exercise proves too much work for slow results, Jay offers him a quicker, more unstable alternative (from the makers of Cotton Candy Brandy!) This puts Matthew in unfortunate proximity to an amped-up, roided-out Nick in gym class. He’s unimpressed, but his sass meshes badly with Nick’s aggression and access to a dodgeball. Best line reading from Rannells comes when Nick gets in Matthew’s face, asking, “You wanna take this out to the parking lot?” Not missing a beat, Matthew drawls back, “The parking lot? What is this, Grease Live?” Love!

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