Sunday, March 26, 2023

Top Five Stories: The Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)


Even if I don’t think the Thirteenth Doctor’s tenure had a chance to reach some of the highs of her predecessors, she still has some very good episodes. Here are my favorites from her. Honor what’s passed, and then onwards and upwards!


“Demons of the Punjab” (Series 11, Episode 6)

This is a beautiful human story, set against the backdrop of Partition. It’s a chance for Yaz to come face to face with her family’s past, which is heartbreaking, and Team TARDIS comes up against the devastating fixed point. I really like what we learn about the aliens of the week, and the oneshot characters are nicely fleshed out. Also, the Doctor’s reaction to getting henna done on her hands is so much fun!


“It Takes You Away” (Series 11, Episode 9)

Weird but wonderful. This episode has the threat of monsters in the woods, a mirror to another dimension, talking frogs, and so much more! All the companions get some good material to work with, and the Doctor is simply splendid. Thirteen’s first season could be frustrating, but here in the climactic sequence of episode 9, she showed why she is every inch the Doctor—fantastic work by Jodie Whittaker.


“Fugitive of the Judoon” (Series 12, Episode 5)

The Chibnall era doesn’t have a lot of episodes that genuinely wow me, but this is one of them. Our heroes land in Gloucester, where they come up against a platoon of Judoon hunting a tour guide who isn’t all she seems. Regardless of what came after with all the Timeless Child stuff, this was great. When the surprise return of a former new Who companion isn’t even the biggest reveal of the episode, you know you’re firing on all cylinders! A very warm welcome to the Nth Doctor, making a bang with her debut.


“Once, Upon Time” (Series 13, Episode 3)

As trippy as it is excellent. When the Doctor, Yaz, Dan, and Vinder are thrown into a time storm, the Doctor tries to find a safe spot for all of them to hide in their respective timestreams while she attempts to pull everything back together. Along the way, painful memories are relived/unearthed, Yaz has a scary encounter, and familiar faces pop up in memories where they don’t belong. As we ride the disorienting thread of these individual vignettes, we’re also introduced to Bel, an amazing character who’s equal parts endearing, compassionate, and badass. Her final scene in the episode is gorgeous—I love it so much.


“The Power of the Doctor” (Series 13, Episode 9)

Does it always make sense? Not necessarily. Is the plot held together by bits of string? At times. I don’t care. This special does nostalgic fan service so right, features the always-fantastic Sacha Dhawan incarnation of the Master, and offers an emotional sendoff for Thirteen. I cried multiple times when I first watched it, often while I was wearing an enormous fangirl smile. Absolutely lovely.

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