Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Book of Rannells: Sofia the First: Season 4, Episode 5 – “The Mystic Isles” (2017)

Today, I’m staying home for Maggie Smith.

Since Black Monday is on pause right now, we’re taking a very hard left back to Sofia the First.  In the show’s third season, Andrew Rannells played a one-off character, but in the fourth, he appears in a few episodes during a recurring arc that’s introduced here in a special hour-length episode.  I wouldn’t have thought a kids’ show would be so arc-based, but honestly, I was a little grateful for the mini-info-dump at the start, because a lot has evidently happened since Rannells’s last appearance on the show.

Princess Sofia is now the “Story Keeper,” which means access to a magic library that transports her into stories in need of a happy ending.  When her self-centered sister Amber discovers the library, Amber insists on accompanying Sofia on her new mission:  a trip to the Mystic Isles, a series of islands that are the source of all magic.  Sofia’s goal is to stop a wicked Crystal Master (an enchantress who makes magic crystals) from taking over the Isles, while Amber is more interested in getting herself a magic amulet like Sofia’s.

As with the previous episode I reviewed, it’s decent enough for kids’ entertainment.  The usual themes – doing the right thing, helping friends instead of only thinking of yourself – get some traction, and the adventure includes a few mild twists to keep things interesting.  I mean, I picked up on them quickly, but I just appreciate that enough thought went into the story to include foreshadowing instead of things happening Just Cuz.

Before I get to Rannells, I should quickly point out a couple other familiar voices.  I knew that one character sounded familiar, especially when she sang (more on that in a minute,) but I couldn’t place her – looking it up afterwards, I found out that it was Megan Hilty (Smash.)  On the other hand, I almost instantly recognized Mulan herself, Ming-na Wen (also, May from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,) in what’s a small role here but looks like it might be recurring as well.

Sofia and Amber meet a number of denizens from the Mystic Isles on their quest, one of the most prominent being Rannells’s Skye, a unicorn.  I’ll be honest – this is a super cute character.  Skye has just gotten his wings – which, the show explains, don’t develop until unicorns reach a certain age – and is as eager to use them as he is unskilled with him.  He’s incredibly loyal and carries himself basically like Reepicheep, immediately pledging his service to Sofia and manfully vowing to carry out all manner of duties on her behalf.  Although, it’s probably best if it doesn’t involve, you know, flying.

Rannells gives a fun performance, mostly a show of brashness and bluster with little hints thrown in that Skye isn’t quite as prepared for anything as he’d like to think he is.  He’ll gladly charge into anything or fight any foe on Sofia’s behalf, and he’s quick to offer to fly her anywhere, not remembering how tough flying is until just before he hits the ground.  There’s a cute moment where Skye and the girls need to call on another character for help, and Rannells’s line reading of, “I’m normally quite brave, but I require assistance on this particular occasion!” cracks me up.

The last episode of Sofia the First I reviewed for The Book of Rannells had one song in it, and I’m guessing that’s probably pretty standard for the show.  But as I said, this is a special, and I’m assuming that’s why it has extra songs, with four full musical numbers.  I find them mostly in line with the one from the season 3 episode, kind of generic-sounding with mediocre lyrics – they’re okay, but this is hardly Alan Menken or Robert Lopez we’re talking about.  That said, Skye takes lead on one of the songs, sung as he shows Sofia and Amber around the Isles, and Rannells is fantastic.  I have a soft spot for Broadway actors singing in places where you wouldn’t normally expect it (i.e., not musicals, concerts, movie musicals, or TV shows like Glee that are focused on singing,) and though it seems like Sofia the First has a decent amount of music in it, I’ll still count it for the heck of it, because it includes what I love.  In my review of Rannells’s first appearance on the show, I mentioned that it seemed like he was holding his singing voice back, but that it is not the case here.  Instead, we have this funny/cute unicorn going along, doing this thing, and then being like, “Oh, don’t mind me while I blow the roof off with this flimsy little song.”  The number itself is no better than any of the other ones in the episode, but Rannells goes all in on singing it.  Needless to say, it’s my favorite moment of the episode.

Since this is a different character Rannells played than last time, I’ll do a new first-impressions Andrew Rannells recommendation, then return for my overall recommendation after I finish Rannells’s episodes in this arc.


Andrew Rannells – I think I would.  Skye is a fun little character, and I like his heroic attitude – I know it’s a kids’ show, but it’s still a different character from the sort I’ve seen/heard Rannells play before, and I get a kick out of it.

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