Friday, January 10, 2020

News Satire Roundup: January 6th-January 9th

Monday, January 6We’re back! Trevor side eyed advice on going back to work after the holidays that seemed to consist of just “do work.” (Loved, “Brainstorm new project ideas?’ But what if you work at Quiznos?”) We also covered Venezuela’s Juan Gaidó trying to climb a fence to get to a vote and Ivory Coast and Ghana forming a “cocoa cartel” to raise chocolate prices (featuring a version of Willy Wonka in Africa!) Next was Qassem Soleimani’s assassination, with Trevor scratching his head over how this “well-thought-out plan” went so wrong. I appreciated his impatience for the Pentagon officials’ “shock” that Trump chose “the most extreme option.” Desi, Michael, and Roy offered some questionable expert advice on the situation, like Desi’s “de-escalation” tactics. The guest, Rep. Karen Bass, also discussed Iran before moving on to Trump’s forthcoming impeachment trial.

Tuesday, January 7 - We opened with Lori Loughlin preparing for a possible prison sentence (I loved Trevor’s impression of how ineffectual beginner-level martial arts would be!), followed by John Bolton’s willingness to testify in Trevor’s impeachment trial and Andrew Cuomo repeatedly helping people out in car accidents. More on Iran, focusing on the administration's inconsistent and haphazard messaging. “These people hold nuclear weapons? They can’t even handle Microsoft Outlook!” made me laugh, and I liked the capper that Trump may be getting us into war with “no entrance strategy.” Roy came on to discuss Iran’s possible retaliation, freaking out over the promise that “Iran is a very patient country.” Ronan Farrow was the guest. He talked about Iran and the breakdown of America’s diplomacy, as well as his new book on his Harvey Weinstein reporting and the myriad ways Weinstein used his power to evade justice for so long.

Wednesday, January 8 - Opening blurbs on Harry & Meghan stepping away from royal life (great bit on a boss calling Harry “your Majesty” as they chew him out,) Harvey Weinstein’s trial, and someone calling the cops over what turned out to be a parrot (Trevor wasn’t convinced that the owner taught the parrot to cry, “Let me out!”) Next was the latest on Iran. I liked Trevor characterizing Iran’s missile strike (which resulted in no casualties) as the “Hold Me Back, Bro,” and Trump’s statement failed to demonstrate any command of the English language. Quick story on new laws that went into effect on the first of the year, from a ban on human cloning (I agree with Trevor – a $1,000 fine doesn’t seem strong enough to defer anyone from doing it) to a law that prevents employers from asking about salary history. The guest was Mo Rocca, who shared a few interesting stories from his new book on obituaries of little-known people from history.

Thursday, January 9 - Update on Harry & Meghan – great bit about Archie growing up to ask, “Wait, I could’ve been a king, but now I work at Burger King?” Next was a proposal to release records of Secret Service spending (Steve Mnuchin suggesting they start it after the election was shady, but it won’t really work without records of past presidents to compare it to,) followed by a Nicki Minaj wax statue at Madame Tussaud’s (I liked Trevor’s rant on her pose.) Two climate-change-related stories tonight. First was the Australian wildfires, featuring “fire tornadoes” and lots of people swearing at the prime minister. The second was a report from Jaboukie on how climate change is affecting life in Arizona – it’s wild that it’s now too dangerous to do construction work during the daytime. Miami Heat player Jimmy Butler was the guest. He talked about his extensive chosen family and the life-changing joy of becoming a father.

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