Sunday, November 3, 2019

Single-Line Pitches: The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)

Here we go: one random, out-of-context detail for each episode of the Eleventh-Doctor era of Doctor Who (a few spoilers.)

“The Eleventh Hour” – in which the Doctor gets to know his new tastebuds

“The Beast Below” – in which the Doctor presses the eject button on a mouth

“Victory of the Daleks” – in which a Dalek serves tea

“The Time of Angels” – in which the Doctor bites Amy’s hand (in a helpful way!)

“Flesh and Stone” – in which team TARDIS walks through a forest on a spaceship

“The Vampires of Venice” – in which the Doctor jumps out of a cake

“Amy’s Choice” – in which Amy goes to extreme lengths to avoid seeing an amateur production of Oklahoma

“The Hungry Earth” – in which Rory waves to himself

“Cold Blood” – in which Amy picks a lizard man’s pocket

“Vincent and the Doctor” – in which the Doctor and Amy try to see the night sky the way Vincent van Gogh does

“The Lodger” – in which the Doctor is exactly the sort of roommate you’d expect him to be

“The Pandorica Opens” – in which the universe effing blows up

“The Big Bang” – in which the Doctor begins a regeneration-long love affair with fezzes

“A Christmas Carol” – in which Doctor rides a shark-drawn sleigh through the sky on Christmas Eve

“The Impossible Astronaut” – in which the Doctor parks the TARDIS in the Oval Office

“Day of the Moon” – in which Neil Armstrong’s foot saves the world

“The Curse of the Black Spot” – in which Amy fights pirates with a sword

“The Doctor’s Wife” – in which the TARDIS always takes the Doctor where he needs to go

“Rebel Flesh” – in which the gang listens to Muse in the TARDIS

“The Almost People” – in which two Doctors are better than one

“A Good Man Goes to War” – in which a crying Roman holding a baby is definitely cool

“Let’s Kill Hitler” – in which they don’t kill Hitler

“Night Terrors” – in which our heroes get stuck in a doll’s house

“The Girl Who Waited” – in which Amy pulls time apart for Rory

“The God Complex” – in which we see a fake hotel filled with bad dreams

“Closing Time” – in which the Doctor is exactly the sort of babysitter you’d think he’d be

“The Wedding of River Song” – in which all of time happens at once

“The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe” – in which the Doctor comes upon naturally-occurring Christmas trees

“The Asylum of the Daleks” – in which Oswin makes soufflees

“Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” – in which there are dinosaurs on a spaceship (this one’s a freebie!)

“A Town Called Mercy” – in which the Doctor meets a transgender horse

“The Power of Three” – in which the Doctor plays Wii

“The Angels Take Manhattan” – in which Rory uses his unluckiest trait to his advantage

“The Snowmen” – in which the Doctor lives in a cloud on top of an invisible staircase

“The Bells of St. John” – in which the Doctor invents the quadracycle

“The Rings of Akhaten” – in which the Doctor and Clara tell an old god stories

“Cold War” – in which the Doctor randomly has a Barbie doll in his pocket

“Hide” – in which the Doctor hunts ghosts with a spy and an empath

“Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS” – in which Clara spills words in the TARDIS library

“The Crimson Horror” – in which Clara saves the day with a well-thrown chair

“Nightmare in Silver” – in which the Doctor plays a high-stakes chess game against himself

“The Name of the Doctor” – in which we see the scar tissue of the Doctor’s journey through time and space

“The Day of the Doctor” – in which it doesn’t really make sense but who cares because TOM BAKER!!!

“The Time of the Doctor” – in which a Christmas turkey is cooked in the time vortex

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