Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Book of Rannells: Girls: Season 5, Episode 3 – “Japan” (2016)

I mostly enjoy this episode, despite not having much Andrew Rannells.  It’s reminiscent of the early season 4 episodes in that it splits its time between New York and a character in another location, although Japan is obviously a very different place than Iowa.  Work-related spoilers for one character.

At the end of last season, Shoshanna’s ongoing employment struggles resolved in an unexpected way when she got the opportunity to work for an American company’s corporate office in Japan.  Since then, she’s been living and working there, utterly loving it, and this is our first chance to actually see her in that environment.  We meet some of her friends/coworkers and get a taste of what she’s been doing out there.  Back in New York, Adam gets a small role on a TV show and Hannah is disgusted to find the spank-bank of ex-girlfriend photos Fran keeps on his phone.

While the Japan stuff is painted with pretty broad strokes, I find it fun.  In an earlier episode, Jessa comments that Shoshanna has become “even more of a cartoon character” since moving there, and that’s definitely the vibe of the whole plot.  Still, I like seeing her in a new place and how she fits in there.  Among the girls, she’s often portrayed as the afterthought, so it’s nice to see her taking center stage here.  This story also features stateside calls from guest stars Jason Ritter (as Scott, Shoshanna’s long-distance boyfriend) and SNL’s Aidy Bryant (as Abigail, the American head of the company.)

Adam’s minor guest spot – on a crime procedural – is enjoyable, both for an appearance from Lucy Liu playing the lead on that made-up show and for a new example of Adam’s acting.  I think it’s fun when actors play characters who are actors; it’s interesting to see that sort of “once removed” performance.  Mostly, though, this subplot is an excuse to further the Jessa/Adam tension, since the two of them (plus Ray) watch the episode together.  I get that, despite her protests, Jessa really is interested in Adam, but she has been clear in her intentions not to do anything about it.  I dislike that Adam claims to go along with her insistence that they just be friends and then looks for any opportunity to cross that line with her.  Yecch.

As for Hannah, I understand where she’s coming from, even though, as usual, she doesn’t go about it in a very effective way.  She points out the difficulty she’s had accepting her “non-traditional body shape,” and seeing the very typically-sexy bodies of these women Fran used to date makes her feel inadequate in a way that porn probably wouldn’t, precisely because she knows Fran did used to date them.  I’m largely left wondering whether Fran’s exes are aware that he’s kept their pictures to jerk off to, as I find that the most unsettling aspect of the story.  It’s not revenge porn by any means, but it is a potential violation.

Just one Elijah scene today, in which Hannah goes to the coffee shop to discuss her dilemma with him and Ray and attempts a solution with them.  Elijah makes some very Elijah-y contributions, including the faint-praise reassurance, “Hannah, you’re still hot… to Fran,” and, at her attempt at a coy smile, “Not the Katie Holmes.”  Funny, but too short.

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