Sunday, March 24, 2019

Single-Line Pitches: The Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who)

I wrote up some of these during my Buster Keaton review days and thought they’d be well-suited for Doctor Who as well:  taking each episode and providing an “incentive” to see it in one line.  Goofy, yes, but I enjoy it.  Today, we’re looking at the Ninth Doctor era.

“Rose” – in which the Doctor can feel the turn of the Earth

“The End of the World” – in which Rose meets a bitchy trampoline

“The Unquiet Dead” – in which Charles Dickens shouts, “What the Shakespeare is going on?”

“Aliens of London” – in which the Doctor discovers a “mermaid”

“World War Three” – in which Mickey and Jackie get slimed

“Dalek” – in which the Doctor does not do battle armed with a hair dryer

“The Long Game” – in which we see flash-frozen puke

“Father’s Day” – in which the TARDIS is small on the inside

“The Empty Child” – in which Rose and Jack dance on top of an invisible spaceship

“The Doctor Dances” – in which the Doctor shows off his moves

“Boom Town” – in which the Doctor sits down to dinner with an enemy

“Bad Wolf” – in which Jack cops a feel off a lady robot

“The Parting of the Ways” – in which the universe is saved with the aid of a big yellow truck

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