Friday, February 22, 2019

2019 Oscars: Personal Nominations

My other typical pre-Oscar post, going through my top nine categories and picking who I would’ve nominated if it was up to me.  Even though I think a lot of talented people got nominated this year for a lot of great work, many of my categories wound up shifting quite a bit.  It seems the things that spoke to me most didn’t quite align with the Academy’s take.

Best Picture – As always, we have ten slots, so I’m using all ten!

Black Panther
Can You Ever Forgive Me? – I thought this movie was so well done.  Loved it!
Eighth Grade – We’re seriously lacking in the “little indie film that could” contingent this year.  This one would have my vote.
The Favourite
If Beale Street Could Talk – It really surprises me that this movie got as little attention as it did.
Spider-Man:  Into the Spider-Verse – Yeah, I said it.  This movie was amazing, and again, with ten slots up for grabs, I think it could’ve had a place here.
The Wife – A very contained film, but one of my favorites this year.

Best Leading Actor – Lots of differences here.  You’ll notice here part of my general push to recognize Black Panther and If Beale Street Could Talk.

Christian Bale (Vice)
Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther)
Stephan James (If Beale Street Could Talk)
Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody)
John David Washingon (BlacKkKlansman) – Washington is so great in this movie.  Of the names I added to this category, his is the one I most wish had been nominated for real.

Best Leading Actress – Nearly as-is.  This category is so solid this year.

Yalitza Arapicio (Roma) – For an inexperienced actress, such a natural performance.
Glenn Close (The Wife)
Olivia Colman (The Favourite) – I’m not entirely convinced that Anne is a leading role, but it’s how the film submitted her, so I’ll go with it.
Keira Knightley (Colette) – Loved Knightley in this movie.
Melissa McCarthy (Can You Ever Forgive Me?)

Best Supporting Actor – A few change-ups.  Brian Tyree Henry was so good in so many things this year, I was bound to pick him for something!

Adam Driver (BlacKkKlansman)
Sam Elliott (A Star is Born)
Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?)
Brian Tyree Henry (If Beale Street Could Talk) – Such a small role, but that speech he gives is amazing.
Michael B. Jordan (Black Panther) – Come on, this one had to be coming!

Best Supporting Actress – Just one change, because the chilly ferocity of Michelle Yeoh had to be recognized.

Marina de Tavira (Roma)
Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk)
Emma Stone (The Favourite)
Rachel Weisz (The Favourite)
Michelle Yeoh (Crazy Rich Asians) – Awesome.

Best Director – Big changes.  Even though I think everyone who did get nominated turned in stellar work, I have to go with what hit me the hardest, and for me, that’d be these films.

Black Panther – Really wish this one had made the cut.
Can You Ever Forgive Me? – This one too; it’s so utterly successful at what it sets out to do.
If Beale Street Could Talk – Gorgeous!  I’ve heard people gripe about this movie as a follow-up to Moonlight, but I think it’s stunning.

Best Original Screenplay – Another big-change category.  Looking through the list of movies I saw this year, there weren’t a ton with original screenplays, but there were some pretty amazing ones among the films I did see.

Blindspotting – Oh man, I loved it.  I’m still thinking about it.
Eighth Grade – So real, so effective, so emotional.
The Favourite

Best Adapted Screenplay – So much competition this year.  Even trying to be discriminating, I had seven nominations in this category on my first go-round, and I wound up having to bump BlacKkKlansman.  That’s how serious it is!

Black Panther
Can You Ever Forgive Me?
If Beale Street Could Talk
Spider-Man:  Into the Spider-Verse – I don’t care; fight me!
The Wife – Loved this story so much.

Best Cinematography – Couldn’t resist one more for If Beale Street Could Talk!

Cold War
The Favourite
If Beale Street Could Talk – Other than Best Picture, this is the award I most wish If Beale Street Could Talk was nominated for.
A Quiet Place - Great cinematography is crucial for effective horror, especially in a film like this with so little sound.
Roma – Such beautiful work here.

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