Monday, December 17, 2018

News Satire Roundup: December 10th-December 13th

Monday, December 10 – Back to business as usual!  First up was an NBA card unwittingly featuring the Menendez brothers in the crowd, the protests in France and the U.K., and audio footage from Mars (I loved Trevor’s complaints about the sound being altered:  “Hey, here’s what Mars doesn’t sound like!”)  Big story, of course, on John Kelly’s exit, featuring a list of possible replacements who don’t want the job and a montage of Kelly’s world-weary expressions in the face of Trump.  Newest Russian investigation update, with Michael Cohen’s conviction.  Trevor’s bemusement over “Individual 1” was great, along with the contrast between the heavy actual implications and Trump’s oblivious “Totally clears the President!” tweet.  Tatiana Maslany was the guest, repping Destroyer (movie) and Network (play) and, as she will until the end of time, answering the post-Orphan Black question, “Is it boring to play just one character?”

Tuesday, December 11 – Good point on the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear a case involving Planned Parenthood confusing Brett Kavanaugh fans.  Trump’s move to make school lunches less healthy fits his MO of being a cartoon villain just for the hell of it, and I laughed so hard at the Parliament footage of the MP trying to remove a ceremonial scepter from the House of Commons to express disgust at Brexit – what even was that?  Speaking of baffling things:  Trump fighting with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on TV about the border wall while Mike Pence sits silent and motionless in the background.  I loved the joke about Schumer turning to address the cameras like an Office character.  Ronny did a piece on video game addiction, complete with video-game rehab and someone comparing Fortnite to heroin.  The guest, Meek Mill, talked about his new album and the events that led him to advocate for prison reform.

Wednesday, December 12 – So Michael Flynn thinks he shouldn’t go to jail because no one told him not to lie to the FBI?  Hmm.  Other opening blurbs included the administration saving money on nuclear waste clean-up by not cleaning it up, Stormy Daniels being forced to pay Trump’s legal fees in her lawsuit, and Google’s CEO being questioned about “search-rigging” (like why Trump’s picture comes up when you search for “idiot.”)  Great story on art from Africa stolen by European colonizers; Trevor satisfyingly tore through all the “it’s complicated” excuses from various museums about why they can’t give them back.  Neil Brennan stopped by to praise a now-fired teacher for telling kids Santa isn’t real and offered up other hard truths like “cleanse diets are pointless” and “Trump is gonna get away with it.”  Sadly, that could very well be true.  Nice interview with Jennifer Lopez, talking Second Act and just generally being cool.

Thursday, December 13 – Fun opening jokes on hosting the Oscars (with Trevor pointing out how useless the gig is,) one man’s mission to change the arrangement of the Holland Tunnel’s Christmas decorations, Theresa May after her no-confidence vote, and billionaire(?) Trump evidently regifting to his kids.  Great update on Michael Cohen/Trump’s hush money payments.  In particular, I loved Trevor’s take on the Trump loyalists saying, “even if it is a campaign finance violation, what’s the big deal?”  The joke, “If campaign finance laws don’t apply to politicians, then who are they for?!” was great, and I loved the montage of Trump’s past claims of being the “law and order” candidate.  Two-guest night, the first being Bob Woodward – I liked what he said about his experience writing his latest book on Trump.  The second, Janelle Monáe, discussed the personal and professional importance of her album Dirty Computer.

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