Friday, December 14, 2018

Bring It On: Songs 11-15

Here are the next five songs from Bring It On.  Notable for two great friendship numbers, “It Ain’t No Thing” and “We’re Not Done.”  Despite very different melodies, styles, and ultimate theses, both songs are perfect for a show about kids surviving high school together.

“It Ain’t No Thing” – This is an enjoyable little number, a nice, affirming piece for Nautica and La Cienega to help Bridget trust that Twig could be interested in her.  Self-love and confidence wrapped in a song with a nice groove.

Best lyric:  “Love who you are / And the world will adore you -- / And the couple that don’t, / At least they can’t ignore you!”

“Enjoy the Trip” – Not my favorite, though I appreciate the sentiment.  Like “It Ain’t No Thing,” it’s something of a message song, with Randall encouraging Campbell not to let herself be overwhelmed by the more difficult parts of life.  Just a bit sappy for my tastes.

Best lyric:  “So don’t sit on your ass waiting for life to begin. / If you do what you love with your time, then you win!”

“Killer Instinct” – Humorous “villain” number for Eva.  While her evilness is pretty over-the-top and kind of more show than tell, I enjoy this song about how ruthless she is.  It’s so sweet and perky-sounding, and combined with the outrageous callousness of the lyrics, it makes for a fun song. 

Best lyric:  “I’m raisin’ hell n’ / I’m a felon / In a four foot frame!”

“We’re Not Done” – Love it.  Here, Campbell and Danielle talk (er, sing) through their conflict, coming to the conclusion that, as much as they want to win, what they’re making together and the time they’ve spent doing it is more important than any trophy.  I especially love the fantastic blending of voices as they revisit themes/lines from “It’s All Happening” and “We Ain’t No Cheerleaders.”

Best lyric:  “When they finally play our song -- / And we move in perfect time -- / We’re in the pocket and no one can stop it, / We’re not gonna drop --” - “And when we rock it, nobody can top it, / We’re not gonna stop ‘til we fly!”

“Legendary” – Not much to say here.  This song provides the backdrop for Truman High’s Nationals routine.  Catchy and vain, much like them.

Best lyric:  “Now is our time, / This is our moment, / We got here by not knowing / What the word ‘no’ meant.”

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