Saturday, June 30, 2018

News Satire Roundup: June 24th-June 28th

Sunday, June 24 – John’s disgust for the administration’s family reunification “plan” lacking a timeline or a way to reunite separated children with their parents was so depressingly valid.  Fortunately, we also got a tremendous story about safe sex ads in Norway, featuring a guy in a penis costume sneaking up behind people and ejaculating confetti on them – what the what?  The main story was on the upcoming Mexican election.  John looked at the corruption that’s occurred under the current “fucktacular” president Enrique Peña Nieto, then examined a few of the candidates running now.  No surprise, “El Bronco” was the big winner comedy-wise, between his plan of very literally cutting off the hands of corrupt politicians to his personal vendetta against Santa Claus.  And I liked John’s points about the frontrunner, dubbed “Amlo,” being vague enough on policy that numerous disparate groups project their aims onto him.

Monday, June 25 – Re:  the administration’s call center for families separated at the border, I loved Trevor’s remark that a call line to find your stolen kids “should have better hours than Comcast.”  Good story on pushback against the administration, from Sarah Huckabee Sanders being asked to leave a restaurant to White House staffers struggling to date (“he looks like a Slytherin professor who got MeToo’d” is a brilliant description of Stephen Miller,) along with Maxine Waters being done with these guys.  Dulce came on to discuss a white woman who made to call the cops on a Black child selling bottled water – her point that the woman did it, not because she cares about permits, but because she knew a Black child would be scared of police, was really powerful.  Rap mogul J. Prince was the guest; I like Trevor’s comment that he’s the “Forrest Gump of hip-hop,” popping up in so many iconic moments.

Tuesday, June 26 – Great point about the shadiness of the Supreme Court buying Trump’s last-minute travel-ban add of “North Korea’s in there, too, so it can’t be about Muslims!”  I liked the continuing story on the Sarah Huckabee Sanders incident and right-wing pundits calling for “civility” and “tolerance.”  Trevor’s comment that tolerance “got called an animal and thrown in a cage and had her kids taken away” was spectacular, and I loved his interrogation of the “be more like MLK!” argument by showing that people in the ‘60s didn’t like his protesting, either.  Michael did a field piece at a Trump rally, asking people about “Space Force” – I did like the wild disagreement about what it actually was.  Good interview with Bill Clinton and James Patterson – in addition to talking about the book, Trevor asked Clinton about some of the current goings-on in America, and I liked the way he approached discussing the #MeToo movement.

Wednesday, June 27 – After touching quickly on Mike Pence giving a supervillain-style speech in Brazil and a CPR-trained police dog from Spain, we looked at a huge New York primary upset, with a 28-year-old first-timer beating out a 10-time incumbent.  I loved Trevor’s point that the incumbent had been groomed for the “next generation” of Democratic leadership, given that he was only in his 50s.  Next was Justice Kennedy’s resignation and the fear that comes with losing a key swing vote during this administration, mixed with renewed anger at the Senate blocking Obama’s nominee in 2016.  Michael came on to “clear things up” for Trevor on Trump supporters cheering for Trump’s vulgarity and insults but clutching their pearls when a liberal activist responds – handy demonstration of the hypocrisy on display.  Guest Janet Mock talked about the different hats she wears for Pose and the importance of seeing people like you on TV.

Thursday, June 28 – Cute opening bit on Mexican World Cup fans swarming South Korean embassies in celebration after a key South Korean win kept Mexico in the tournament.  Next was an app analyzing a baby’s cries to determine the most likely cause, with Trevor throwing “Shazam for babies” some serious side-eye.  Loved the viral video of a guy clinging to the hood of a car, especially his ultra-calm 911 call.  More on the Supreme Court, with Trevor ruminating on Trump’s pick shaping America for generations to come and Hasan trying to find a way Senate Democrats could still Mighty Ducks their way to a win.  We then looked at some strides made for LGBTQ rights worldwide this last year, including Bermuda legalizing same-sex marriage twice (Trevor shamelessly claimed the first law got lost in the Triangle.)  The guest, writer DarnellMoore, discussed his new memoir and the toxic masculinity that helped Trump get elected.

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