Tuesday, June 5, 2018

In the Heights: Songs 11-15

No big-ticket numbers in this group of songs, which straddle the first and second acts, but there’s some solid stuff here.  Nice variety, a great Act I closer, and a moving, sneak-attack solo from a character who isn’t very prominent in the show.

“The Club” – Nice scene-song, bringing a lot of the issues of the first act to a head.  Conflicts have just bubbled over in the previous scene, and what’s supposed to be an escape, the club, only results in more clashes (side note:  it makes me think of “the gym’s neutral territory” from West Side Story, and how well that work out.)  I especially like the confrontation between Nina and Benny, and Usnavi’s nervousness around Vanessa is as hilarious as it is sweet.

Best lyric:  “Let me get an amaretto sour / For this ghetto flower. / How are you so pretty? / You complete me. / You had me at hello. / You know you need me, / Truly, madly, deeply.”

“Blackout” – The Act I finale is less about theme and more about plot – all the characters are caught in the chaos of a massive blackout, and the resulting tumult sets up several second-act complications.  Still, it’s technically masterful.  The song juggles numerous threads and characters, layering melodies on melodies that come together for a gorgeous climax at the end.

Best lyric:  There aren’t many lyrics that particularly stand out here, but I really like the dual meanings of the repeated line, “We are powerless, / We are powerless.”

“Sunrise” – After the end-of-Act-I chaos, opening on such a gentle number like “Sunrise” is a neat move.  In the afterglow of the rising sun, Nina helps Benny practice his Spanish and they both wonder what this means for them next.  The bilingual call-and-respone in the chorus is just gorgeous.

Best lyric:  “And how do you say always?” – “Para siempre…”

“Hundreds of Stories” – A lovely post-blackout duet for Usnavi and Abuela, remembering the past and looking forward to the future.  Interesting to see the normally-upbeat Usnavi really start to spiral, as his plans for returning to the home his parents told him about makes him think of their deaths and trying to carry on the family legacy alone.  Abuela’s gentle grounding reminder of who he is and where he came from his beautiful.

Best lyric:  “Remember the story of your name. / It was engraved on a passing ship / On the day your family came. / Your father said, ‘Usnavi, / That’s what we’ll name the baby.’” - “It really said, ‘U.S. Navy,’ but hey… / I worked with what they gave me okay…”

“Enough” – This is Camila’s showcase, her big “I’ve had it” moment with both Nina and Kevin.  She drops truth like only a long-suffering matriarch can, with exasperation that comes from a place of deep love.  It’s a song that snuck up on me; the melody and rhymes aren’t as immediately enticing as a lot of songs in the show, but whenever I listen to it, the emotion of the song hits me square in the chest.

Best lyric:  “For months you’ve lied to us. / What did we do… / To make you think we wouldn’t do / Anything and everything for you?”

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