Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Top Five Interactions: Infinity War

There’s a lot to appreciate about Infinity War, but I’d say that its best asset, most easily, is in the opportunities it takes to introduce characters to one another from heretofore-separate franchises, creating new dynamics galore.  While these scenes obviously get the job done in terms of giving us the plot, they also provide endless fan service and moments of sheer nerdish joy.  Here are my favorites from the film (spoilers.)

Doctor Strange, Iron Man & Spider-Man Walk onto a Spaceship…

I said in my review that Infinity War is the first time Doctor Strange has really worked for me as a character.  Part of that, I think, is how the writing for him has been tweaked a little, but a big part of it is also down to the company he keeps in this movie.  Putting Strange onscreen with Tony gives these two egotistical geniuses a fellow sharp mind to butt heads with, while showing the ways that they are different (part of my initial problem with Strange in his own movie is that he feels so Tony Stark Redux.)  When you add in Spidey (note:  I’ll use “Spidey” for Peter Parker and “Peter” for Peter Quill in this post,) the whole thing comes together in a nice way, with Tony-Strange both being strong-willed and sarcastic and Spidey cutting the tension by being equal parts over-excited, freaked out, and anxious to prove himself.  I adore Spidey introducing himself to Strange, and later, his cloak – ha!

Thor and Rocket on a Quest

Thor with the Guardians is awesome overall – Drax declaring him the love child of a pirate and an angel is too funny, and I like Peter trying to overcompensate around the hunky Asgardian.  The best part of the Thor-Guardian meet-up, though, is definitely Thor and Rocket (plus teen Groot) on a side mission to gain Stormbreaker.  It starts when Thor, spectacularly, assumes Rocket is the Guardians’ captain, and it only gets better from there.  While the humor of both characters is maintained in spades (Thor’s new eye, yikes!), their scenes together also allow for some good drama, particularly as Rocket slowly draws out Thor’s understandable not-okay-ness at all the horrible things that have happened to him since Ragnarok.  With Rocket’s help, Thor can drop the bravado, just a little, and allow himself a moment to grieve.

The Guardians Fight the Earth Trio

a.k.a. Tony, Doctor Strange, and Spidey.  It actually makes total sense that, encountering one another on Titan, these two groups would fight each other.  Neither group knowing the other, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t assume these strangers are more of Thanos’s goons.  Drax and Mantis are aliens, and with his helmet on, the Earth guys can’t tell that Peter’s humanoid, and on the other side, Tony and Spidey with their suits and Doctor Strange with his magic seem like they would fit in with Thanos’s crew.  It’s not until Tony realizes that Peter is from Earth (in a pretty hilarious exchange) that either side starts to let their guard down.

Wanda, Natasha & Okoye Team-Up

Oh snap!  One of Thanos’s faithful corners Wanda on the battlefield, sure that she’s going to kill Wanda (thus ensuring that Wanda can’t destroy the Mind Stone,) but little does she know, Natasha and Okoye are on the way, and they’re got Wanda’s back.  The ladies tear it up, Wanda with her powers and Natasha-Okoye with their weapons and mad fighting skills, and the baddie doesn’t stand a chance in the face of that much awesome.

Rocket Meets Bucky

Okay, so this one’s just for fun.  During the big final battle, Bucky and Rocket are next to each other on the field, and at a moment of particular importance, Bucky picks up Rocket by the scruff of the neck and spins around with him, giving Rocket and his big guns a 360 vantage point for blasting monsters.  The action shot is cool enough in itself, but the topper comes at the end when Rocket oh-so-nonchalantly inquires about Bucky’s arm – as we know, Rocket has a thing for acquiring other people’s prosthetics.  Bucky flatly replies that his arm isn’t for sale, leaving Rocket to mutter under his breath, “I’m gonna get that arm…”  Ha!

Honorable Mention:  Groot Meets Cap

Like the Rocket-Bucky scene above, this is just a fun moment, even briefer than the previous one, which is why it didn’t make the list proper.  Still, it’s way too much fun to leave off completely.  “I am Groot.”  “I am… Steve Rogers.”  Too cute!

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