Sunday, March 11, 2018

Relationship Spotlight: Rory Williams & The Doctor (Doctor Who)

I’m not going to promise to get to all of the assorted relationships we’ve seen between the Doctor and his companions of the years, but it is high time to talk about some of them more in-depth, and I’ll definitely hit my favorites and the more interesting ones.  The Doctor and Rory would fall into the latter category – although I do like them quite a bit, I wouldn’t rank them among the absolute best.  Still, theirs is a fairly unique relationship that brought something different to the show while it lasted (a few Doctor-Rory-related spoilers.)

The reason these two will never be one of my absolute favorites is down to the Amy of it all.  Not Amy herself, but how both characters tend to relate to each other where she’s concerned.  Rory’s initial insecurities around the Doctor are perfectly understandable.  After all, the Doctor is essentially Amy’s childhood imaginary friend come to life, and the very idea of him was a hugely formative influence on Amy’s life.  To discover that he’s in fact real is wild enough; to then find out that Amy “ran away” with him in his time machine on the night before her wedding to Rory can’t feel good, especially when he gets a closer look at his fiancee’s adoration for her raggedy Doctor.  Throw in the Doctor offhandedly putting him down at times and Amy’s occasional habit of flirting with the Doctor, and it all adds up to Rory being not too sure about this guy.

This is all understandable.  Doesn’t mean I like it, but I get it.  However, it wears on me more when this dynamic crops up at points after series 5, because I feel like the main issues are mostly resolved by the end of that season and it gets a little more tiresome to see them rearing their heads again.  Moments sprinkled here and there – Rory thinking Amy’s talking the Doctor rather than him when she’s taken by the Silence, the Doctor making complimentary remarks about Amy’s appearance and less-than-complimentary remarks about Rory’s, wisps of them both jockeying for Amy’s favor.  Even when you factor out the tired suggestion that Rory is jealous of the Doctor romantically (it’s plain that there’s no danger there on the Doctor’s end,) it feeds into the idea that there has to be a “winner” for her regard, that she can’t love both of them deeply in different ways.  It’s a boring way to arrange the dynamic between the three of them, and I’m not a fan of it.

Which is a shame, because when that stuff isn’t getting in the way, they have a pretty neat relationship.  Rory has a lot less hero worship for the Doctor than a number of new series companions, which can lead good moments where he gets real with the Doctor and shares his genuine concerns (the “you know what’s dangerous about you?” speech from “The Vampires of Venice” is a prime example, but there are others as well.)  His practicality can butt heads with the Doctor’s caprices, a necessary voice of reason at times.  And just generally, Rory relates to the Doctor more as a person than as The Doctor, which can be fun. 

And when the Doctor is in the mood to show it, it’s clear that he really loves Rory.  Whenever they’ve been separated for an extended period of time or been in great peril (or Rory has, for instance, come back from the dead,) the Doctor is always ecstatic to see him alive and well, hugging him with just as much abandon as he does Amy (to Rory’s slight discomfort.)  The Doctor can gripe about Rory now and again, but really, the Doctor finds him to be a sterling example of the brilliance of humanity.  One of my favorite moments between them is in “The Big Bang” when the Doctor realizes just how long Rory’s prepared to wait so he can keep Amy safe.  His admiration for Rory in that moment is gorgeous.

Also, in one instance of being cross with Rory, the Doctor calls him “Roranicus Pondicus” as if that’s his full name.  How could I not love that?

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