Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Favorite Characters: Shuri (Black Panther)

Oh man, Shuri is so amazing.  It’s hard to say, because Black Panther is stuffed with greatness, but she might be the favorite of my favorite characters in the movie.  I loved her to pieces in this film, and I’m thrilled to have her join the MCU (Shuri-related spoilers.)

T’Challa’s younger sister has no interest in her brother’s throne.  Instead, she rules her own corner of Wakanda, overseeing the country’s technological development.  She’s a genius who loves to tinker; her motto is “just because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved,” and she’s always on the lookout for new ways to innovate.  This includes everything T’Challa needs for his Black Panther missions – from his communication devices to his vibranium suit – Wakanda’s medical technology, and even the transport system used in the vibranium mines.  She forever wants things to be better, more efficient, and just plain cooler.

Shuri has a real exuberance for science and technology, a sense of fun and pioneering spirit shared by fellow MCU geniuses Tony Stark and Peter Parker (Rocket maybe doesn’t have quite the same sense of fun, but he does greatly enjoy demonstrating how much smarter he is than anybody else.)  I love that the Marvel movies now have a teenage girl/young woman who takes so much delight in invention and exploration.  While the MCU has some excellent female characters in it, the only hardcore brainiac we’ve had so far is Jane, and the way she went about it, her attitude toward it, felt a little different than these others characters.  Shuri, however, I could easily see palling around and solving problems with the “Science Bros.”  (That has to happen at some point, right?  Either in Infinity War or Avengers 4?)

In a way, her constant quest for new ways to be better reminds me a little of Holtzmann from the new Ghostbusters, that boundless excitement to invent, create, and show off what she’s made.  Not only is it hugely endearing (and, in the real world, is probably inspiring a number of girls to try their hand at STEM pursuits,) it’s also greatly beneficial to those around her.  In addition to just bettering things in general around Wakanda, Shuri is continually improving T’Challa’s gadgets and coming up with seriously-cool ways of getting the job done.  I can’t wait to see her get her hands on Bucky’s arm, Cap’s shields, or whatever other “functional” bits of Avengers equipment she can play with.

And while Shuri’s biggest contribution to any mission is going to be her tech, she’s also ready and willing to mix it up and get her hands dirty.  She’s (adorably) thrilled to get the chance to help T’Challa out in South Korea, remotely driving his car from her lab.  And seriously, her panther gauntlets are fierce.  This is a young woman who loves her country and will fight to protect it with everything she has.  Even without the armor or training of her brother or one of the Dora Milaje, she’s still a damn genius and a princess, and she’s going to get it done.

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