Friday, February 23, 2018

News Satire Roundup: February 18th-February 22nd

Sunday, February 18 – And we’re back!  The new season began with the Florida shooting, as John looked at how the students there are trying to speak out against the usual “now’s not the time” / “this is not a gun issue” talking points.  He also covered a few international blurbs – Jacob Zuma’s ousting in South Africa, Australia’s homophobic “family values” deputy PM impregnating a former staffer, and Benjamin Netanyahu facing possible corruption charges – before moving onto the main story, Trump’s vs. the rest of the world.  John questioned what Trump thinks his foreign policy (“America First”) actually entails and looked at the dangerously-understaffed state department, the mockery Trump makes of the U.S., and the general havoc he wreaks internationally.  I loved John comparing foreign affairs to sex:  anyone who insistently shouts, “I always come first!” in every encounter will have a hard time finding partners.

Monday, February 19 – One more clip show before the return of new episodes.  This was a President’s Day special on Trump’s unpresidential ways.  There were a couple longer segments – Desi’s piece on how to interview Trump and part of the interview with Michael Wolff – but there was also a ton of short snippets arranged around particular themes.  “This is Not Normal” included everything from Trump waffling over denouncing Nazis after Charlottesville to his  “shithole countries” remark, while “Stable Genius” featured insults to Trump’s intelligence from a wide range of his own people and completing a “mental fitness” test that involved correctly identifying a rhino.  I liked the bumpers on either end of each segment contrasting Trump with past presidents – my favorite was the shots of Bush and Obama shaking hands with Angela Merkel, followed by a shot of Trump staring blankly ahead while she sits beside him.

Tuesday, February 20 – New episode!  After discussing the apparent KFC chicken-shortage in Britain (with Trump poised to offer the one type of international aid he can!), it was onto the Parkland shooting.  Trevor applauded the students for standing up against “now is not the time” and covered Fox News’s attempt to blame anyhing other than guns.  I loved his own contributions to the theories, especially his plan to simply get rid of the common denominator for all school shootings:  schools, obviously!  Roy came out to talk Black Panther, reveling in the joyous Black crowds who turned out for the movie with dancing and drums and pointing out that, in addition to the importance of the film, it’s also just a dope-ass movie.  The guest, Taylor Kitsch, talked about his role in the miniseries Waco and finding the motivations behind his character’s horrific actions.

Wednesday, February 21 – Quick blurb about a Russian curler getting caught doping – I loved Trevor’s impression of someone hyped up on steroids gently curling.  More on the Florida shooting, with some pro-gun folks accusing the protesting students of being actors or claiming far-left activists just planted ideas in their heads.  There was a great line about how these kids might not have a “PhD” in gun legislation, but surviving a mass shooting ought to confer an “honorary degree.”  There was also a segment on the students marching on the Florida state legislature, where Congress refused to even debate a bill banning assault weapons but passed one declaring porn “a public health risk;” Trevor’s contempt for these lawmakers was so satisfying.  I enjoyed the interview with Ludacris.  In talking about the new season of Fear Factor he’s hosting, he and Trevor discussed worst fears and why people continue to appear on the show.

Thursday, February 22 – Continuing with the Parkland shooting, we saw students taking Marco Rubio to task in a town hall – I loved Trevor’s comment about Rubio’s total inability to read the room in saying, “We’d have to ban all semi-automatic weapons!” like it’s a bad thing – and Trump suggesting arming teachers (and paying them extra for it!) during a White House listening session.  In the clip of a school practicing just that, I was shocked by the administrator shrugging off the possibility of a teacher accidentally shooting an innocent student instead of the shooter – “acceptable risks” and all.  Roy had a piece on Black innovators, honoring the creators of Jack Daniels, video game cartridges, and super soakers.  The guest was the wonderful Lupita Nyong’o.  During their mutual geek-out about Black Panther, she and Trevor took time out to discuss their big news:  she’s signed on to play his mom in the movie of Born a Crime.  Squee!

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