Friday, February 16, 2018

News Satire Roundup: February 12th-February 15th

Monday, February 12 – It’s a clip show week; tonight was all about the Russia investigation.  It hit on many stories, including Don Jr.’s meeting at Trump Tower (I love Trevor’s impression of him blithely confessing as if it exonerates him,) Trump’s claim that Russia didn’t hack the election based on asking Putin point blank and Putin telling him no, Russian hackers fomenting discord on social media, Trump’s anger at Jeff Sessions’s recusal, and Congress putting sanctions on Russia and having to prevent Trump from removing them.  There was a clip of Hillary Clinton’s interview, in which she talked about the Clinton dossier, as well as the first indictments in the investigation (Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Michael Flynn.)  I enjoyed revisiting the bit about Steve Bannon and Trump’s ensuing “presidential diss track,” and the show ended on the question of whether the White House tried to cover up Don Jr.’s meeting.

Tuesday, February 13 – The theme of tonight’s episode was stories about women, mostly showing longer clips from fewer segments compared to Monday’s show.  We revisited Oprah’s Golden Globes speech (which Trevor felt was a bit “Oprah 2020”) and Desi and Dulcé’s piece on the second Women’s March.  I liked seeing part of Yara Shahidi’s interview again – it’s cool to see how passionate she is about getting young people to vote.  We took another look at Michelle’s piece about how it’s harder to become a Miss America contestant than president of the United States, saw a snippet of Ashley Graham’s interview about modeling while curvy, and got a second dose of Desi and Dulcé’s year-end “Song for Women.”  The final segment was a reminder of the Black women who helped prevent Roy Moore getting elected, with Dulcé taking a victory lap on behalf of all Black women before getting back to business.

Wednesday, February 14 – Tonight was all about Trump’s tweets.  After looking at Desi’s retrospective of Trump’s “early work,” we got reminders of “covfefe” and that time the president of the United States used Twitter to accuse his predecessor of illegal wire tapping.  We revisited how he deleted tweets supporting Luther Strange after Roy Moore won the Alabama primary, and the show included the bits about him retweeting doctored videos of him “hitting” Hillary Clinton with a golf ball and anti-Muslim propaganda from a hate group (the latter of which included Hasan’s fantastic commentary on Trump’s Islamophobia.)  Next up was Trump’s “corrupt media awards,” followed by his trolling of Kim Jong-un – I still love Trevor’s bit about how Trump can’t tell his Kims apart – and, after all that, the White House calling for Jemele Hill to be fired over her own Twitter remarks.

Thursday, February 15 – The last clip show was marketed as “100% Trump-free,” and it was so nice.  There was Trevor’s hilarious breakdown of a brawl in Uganda’s Parliament, gay lions in Nigeria, and Gina’s piece about the subtle racism of the British press re:  Meghan Markle (my favorite is still her line, “You know who else comes from a broken home?  Prince Harry!”)  We saw Trevor worrying about conceal-carry permits becoming valid across state lines, one of Ronny’s technology stories (featuring Russia hacking his smart underwear to “interfere with his erection,”) and Trevor’s adoration for the Atlanta news anchor who clapped back against a racist viewer.  We also got Roy and Michael’s year-end sports roundup (with Michael injecting wokeness into every story,) reassuring Trevor’s mom that he didn’t really eat a Tide Pod, California legalizing recreational pot, and Shep Smith losing his mind over the solar eclipse.

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