Sunday, January 7, 2018

Top Five Stories: The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who)

The Twelfth Doctor era was never as great as I wanted it to be.  While I love, love, love Twelve, the adventures themselves frequently leave a lot to be desired, resulting in weird things like series 10 (by far my favorite of Twelve’s seasons on the show) having only one episode on this list.  Still, when the writing doesn’t get in the way and the plots aren’t a confusing hodgepodge, there are moments when the Twelfth Doctor era gets to be great.  Here are my favorites of his stories (spoilers.)

“Mummy on the Orient Express” (Series 8, Episode 8)

The first Twelfth Doctor story I flat-out loved.  The Orient-Express-in-space setting is super cool, the mummy is awesomely creepy, the Doctor is so awesome and Doctory, and for the first time since his regeneration, I really like the dynamic between him and Clara.  Packed with great little details – a cigarette case full of jelly babies! – and I love the resolution of the episode.  After half a season of putting up with the writing for the sake of Twelve, it was a relief to just settle back and unabashedly enjoy this episode.

“Flatline” (Series 8, Episode 9)

While not quite the slamdunk “Mummy on the Orient Express” is, this episode is pretty darn interesting.  The visuals with the 2-D aliens are awesome, and I love everything about the tiny TARDIS and the Doctor being trapped inside it.  Clara playing Eleven is amusing, and Rigsy makes for a good supporting character throughout the adventure.

“Under the Lake” / “Before the Flood” (Series 9, Episodes 3-4)

I’m a sucker for a good base-under-seige story, and this one has quite a bit going for it.  Great one-shot characters like Cass and O’Donnell, spooky “ghosts,” and a cool interlude in the second episode with the Fisher King.  Just the right amount of timey-wimey for my tastes, and best of all, I adore the Doctor’s ravenous love for something he doesn’t understand – “Don’t you want to go out there right now, wrestle them to the ground, and ask them questions until your throat falls out?” is such a perfect line.  (This story does get a few demerits for the TARDIS apparently not translating sign language and the Doctor not understanding it – boo!)

“The Woman Who Lived” (Series 9, Episode 6)

“The Girl Who Died,” which precedes this episode, is pretty sloppy, but “The Woman Who Lived” is splendid.  It’s nice to see the Doctor talking things out with a fellow immortal, and the details on Me’s particular brand of eternal life are fascinating.  In between the action and amusing banter, we get brilliant moments like the Doctor and Me’s discussion of the “mayflies.”

“The Pilot” (Series 10, Episode 1)

Even though I love Twelve with Bill and grew to love Nardole as well, I was hard-pressed to pick a series 10 episode to include on this list, which is unfortunate.  Great characters, so-so stories.  But I think “The Pilot” is a fitting choice.  The alien plot is more than a little ridiculous (sentient engine oil – never forget!), but I love the set-up of the university and the Doctor’s growing relationship with Bill, who acquits herself well in her first unplanned TARDIS adventure.  The introduction of the vault and the Doctor’s vow is just enough to whet the appetite.

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