Friday, January 19, 2018

News Satire Roundup: January 15th-January 18th

Monday, January 15 – Touching on the stupid Internet challenge of eating Tide pods, I loved the disclaimer on the screen (for the benefit of Trevor’s mom!) that the pod he ate wasn’t real.  There was only time to briefly mention the hush money Trump allegedly paid to a porn star before getting back to his immigration comments.  I really liked the parallel Trevor drew to the Access Hollywood tape, that for some, the specific vulgarity Trump used (pussy/shithole) is overshadowing the intent behind those words (sexual assault/racism.)  Good story on the accidental alert sent of an impending nuclear strike on Hawaii – I think they did a nice job exploring what would go through your head in a time like that.  Author Vashti Harrison was the guest, promoting her new illustrated book on Black women leaders.  She had a lovely story tying together Nichelle Nichols from Star Trek and Mae Jemison, the first Black woman in space.

Tuesday, January 16 – The navy doctor signing Trump’s clean bill of health perplexed me, as he evidently did Trevor.  Nice retrospective on Chris Christie’s time as governor of New Jersey; I liked the observation that he didn’t run for president when he should have and then ran when he shouldn’t have.  Ronny had a new tech piece on the latest innovations, which were great as always.  I loved his fear of “brain-to-vehicle” technology accidentally driving him to his ex-girlfriend’s house, his worries about what targeted ads he’d get from a smart toilet, and his plan to blame any erectile dysfunction on Russia hacking his smart underwear.  The guest, Ricky Martin, was awesome.  He was clearly passionate about the Gianni Versace project he’s involved in, as well as his efforts to help Puerto Rico since the hurricane, and I really liked what he said about his journey toward coming out.

Wednesday, January 17 – More on Trump’s medical exam, with Trevor questioning how a 70-year-old man managed to grow an inch (that conveniently keeps him from being classified as obese) and how “find the rhino” is a valid test of a president’s mental fitness.  The show covered a recent congressional oversight hearing, where Cory Booker went off on Kirstjen Nielson for being “unable to recall” Trump’s words on immigration.  I loved Trevor calling her out for refusing to admit that Norway was a majority-white country, as well as looking at how Trump’s people continually attempt to spin his racism.  We revisited the “Trump camp paid hush money to a porn star” story, wherein Trevor applauded Trump’s “progress” in having an apparently-consensual affair.  I liked the interview with Anthony Bourdain, who used his experiences filming his food travel show to refute Trump’s ugly claims about immigrants.

Thursday, January 18 – Excellent story on the ongoing immigration question.  Today, we looked at the real facts about the diversity visa lottery and what Trump refers to as “chain migration,” contrasted with the staggering ignorance Trump displays at the programs he’s crusading to do away with.  I really appreciated Trevor’s words as an immigrant himself, watching Trump is move on from cracking down on illegal immigration to attack legal immigration as well.  Next was an In Other News featuring North Korea’s two Olympic athletes (dwarfed by their 200+-member cheering squad,) Google’s new app that matches your face to a portrait, and Saudi Arabia allowing cinemas (I liked Trevor’s riff on how weird it will be for them starting with new movies and working backwards.)  Ricky Gervais was the guest.  In between promoting Child Support, he tried to wrap his head around Trump.

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