Friday, December 8, 2017

News Satire Roundup: December 4th-December 7th

Monday, December 4 – The big story, naturally, was Michael Flynn’s guilty plea and what that means for the Russia investigation going forward.  I loved the jokes about just how many people Flynn told about his “treasony” behavior, as well as Trevor’s admiration for Trump’s lawyer, who will evidently frame himself for the crime if he can’t get you off.  Good story on the GOP tax bills passing in the House and Senate, with handy statistics about who will be paying more/less (spoiler alert:  the uber-rich are paying way less.)  I especially liked the bit about how alcohol manufacturers don’t need tax breaks because the new tax plan is basically an ad for drinking.  Frankie Shaw, creator and star of the show SMILF, spoke about her series, showcasing Boston women, and the duty she felt to be brave in storytelling when they started shooting on the day after the election.

Tuesday, December 5 – I loved the opening story about “Facebook for Kids,” with Trevor proposing a kid-friendly Ashley Madison where kids can arrange for other moms to pack them snacks on the DL.  After a quick note about John Conyers’s resignation, it was on to Roy Moore and the GOP’s troubling backpeddling on not supporting a man accused of sexually assaulting minors.  I know I shouldn’t be as surprised at this as I am, but here we are – disgusting.  I really liked Trevor’s theory that Trump is the GOP’s “Christian Grey,” making them give into their “dark urges” like eschewing their family-values platform or embracing deficit spending.  Desi did a field piece on preppers, interviewing one of a new breed of liberal survivalists in addition to the more typical archetype.  Journalist Julia Ioffe was the guest, talking Russia and its perception of what goes on between it and the U.S.

Wednesday, December 6 – First up was Trump dropping a metaphorical bomb on the question of Middle East peace by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  Amid the usual “what is the leader of the free world thinking?”, Trevor took time out to speculate that Trump wears dentures.  The latest on sexual harassment in Congress, with Al Franken potentially stepping down and Roy Moore poised to win; re: the latter, Roy pitched himself as a write-in alternative, his selling point being that he’s never been banned from a mall for creeping on teen girls.  Next was a story on Russia being barred from next year’s Olympics for doping, featuring Trevor’s rendition of a generic nationless anthem for any Russian athletes honest enough to be allowed into the Olympics as individuals.  The guest, musician St. Vincent, discussed the different personae she’s explored in her work before performing a number from her newest album.

Thursday, December 7 – First, we looked at Al Franken’s resignation.  I thought Trevor struck the right tone, acknowledging it as the right thing to happen while also recognizing Franken’s point that an alleged child molester is the frontrunner in a Senate race and a self-professed groper still occupies the White House as he steps down.  The next story, on the Supreme Court hearing arguments about a cake shop that discriminated against a gay couple, wasn’t as good for me.  I feel like it didn’t quite interrogate the issue enough.  I enjoyed In Other News more, where we got Trevor worrying about New York accepting conceal-carry permits from other states, a man saving a rabbit from wildfires in California, and an Atlanta news anchor gracefully responding to a racist attack she received online.  Tiffany Haddish was the guest, cracking Trevor up with stories from her new memoir and generally being what Trevor described as human sunshine.

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