Sunday, November 5, 2017

Top (Three) Big Damn Hero Moments: Katarina (Doctor Who)

Can’t muster a full Top Five today.  Not because she isn’t brave, but just because there isn’t enough time for her to build up much of a Big Damn Hero moment repertoire (I imagine Sara Kingdom, the next classic Who companion on the Top Five docket, may be in a similar boat.)  Still, I follow the school of thought that considers her a companion, so her moments deserve to be celebrated too.  Here’s Katarina in the time we have with her (spoilers.)

Helping Steven to the TARDIS (Series 3, Episode 9 – “The Myth Makers:  Horse of Destruction”)

Her first team-TARDIS-aligned act.  Cassandra sends Katarina to spy on Vicki and Steven, but Vicki pulls Katarina over to their side.  When Steven is injured in the melee of the Greek attack on Troy, Vicki entrusts Katarina to get Steven to the TARDIS while she tends to other business.  Katarina is cool under pressure, both with the fighting around them and with the insanity of the TARDIS when she steps inside.

Treating Steven (Series 3, Episode 10 – “The Daleks’ Master Plan:  The Nightmare Begins”)

Katarina’s time as a companion may be short, but she definitely dives right into the deep end.  Keeping in mind that she’s from ancient Troy, she travels through time and space in an alien ship and then is basically left to fend for herself as the Doctor ventures off on his own and Steven is still unconscious from his wounds.  When Bret shows up making claims to get himself a ticket home on the TARDIS, she’s rightfully wary of him, but she does trust him just enough to accept his help with Steven, taking the medicine Bret gives her to treat him.

Sacrificing Herself (Series 3, Episode 13 – “The Daleks’ Master Plan:  The Traitors”)

Any consideration of Katarina always ends up here, one way or another.  This is her big moment, and even though it’s rooted in her being victimized, she brings it back to herself and makes it her choice.  Kirksen has kidnapped her and is threatening her in order to force the Doctor and co. to do what he wants.  But Katarina takes that bargaining chip away from him, opening the air lock and letting both of them get sucked out.  While Steven thinks it was a tragic accident due to Katarina’s confusion at everything so far ahead in her future, the Doctor realizes that it was a conscious decision on her part, going to her death so Kirksen couldn’t use her.

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