Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Favorite Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman)

In the space of two hours and change, I went from having seen zero DC Universe movies to making a solemn vow to see any DC movie that features so much as a cameo from a certain princess of the Amazons – haven’t gotten to Batman vs. Superman yet, but I hopefully will before Justice League comes out, and I’ll gladly see whatever they have to dish out in the future, all for the love of Diana (some spoilers.)

Since the movie came out, there have been oodles of articles, op-eds, and thinkpieces on what makes Diana so special and why she’s so important.  I don’t need to go over all that – I don’t need to share pictures of little girls decked out in Wonder Woman gear or rehash just how many Marvel movies will have come out by the time they finally have their first movie starring a woman.  I won’t talk about box-office returns or what female-led superhero movies have proven they can do.  I just want to talk about Diana and why I love her.

Because she relishes discovering the extent of her powers – her enormous smile as she leaps and punches her way up the side of a tower is an absolute thing of beauty.  Because she’s grown up valuing herself and sure of what she can do, surrounded by women who love and cherish her.  Because she doesn’t understand how life in Man’s World works, but she’s never once embarrassed by that fact or made to seem stupid for it.  Because she delights in new things – may everyone love something as much as Diana loves her first taste of ice cream.  Because she fights the conventions of Man’s Worlds simply by not accepting them as a thing and treating them accordingly, like the way she side-eyes the point of a dress she can’t fight in. 

Because she’s only just met humankind, and she loves them so much.  Because she knows that the mission can’t be the be-all end-all, not when she has the power to help and people are suffering.  Because she mourns the loss of people she didn’t know and shows mercy to those who’ve done terrible wrongs.  Because she has her understanding of who she is turned upside-down and her worldview shattered, but she still sees that humanity is worth it.

Because even though she’s an unstoppable force of nature who can easily take out enemy combatants single-handedly, she chooses to fight alongside a team.  Because having allies doesn’t take away from her power.  Because she sees the value in what others bring to the team.  Because she draws fire to herself, knowing she can take it, so the others are free to move forward.  Because she finds herself a new group of people who value and respect her, who don’t get bent out of shape by the fact that she can do what they can’t.

Because she’s kind.  Because she’s joyous.  Because she’s determined.  Because she’s confident.  Because she’s naïve.  Because she’s idealistic.  Because she’s brave.  Because she’s intelligent.  Because she’s a warrior.  Because she loves.  Because she fights.  Because she learns.  Because she falls.  Because she rises.  Because she carries on.

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