Friday, September 29, 2017

News Satire Roundup: September 24th-September 28th

Sunday, September 24 – First up was Trump’s feud with protesting NFL players – I appreciated John including Colin Kaepernick’s mom’s response to the president indirectly calling her son a “son of a bitch.”  We also covered two private-plane controversies in the administration:  Tom Price spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars for unnecessary flights and Steve Mnuchin (unsuccessfully) requesting a government plane for his honeymoon.  The main story was on corporate consolidation, with John looking at how many industries are controlled by just a few companies and the effect that has on consumers.  Highlights include him calling Jim Cramer a “business-casual Louis C.K.” and showing the power that a company in an oligopoly, like United Airlines, can garner when there are so few competitors that consumers really have no other options and can’t take their business elsewhere.

Monday, September 25 – Superb episode.  Most of the night focused on the NFL protests and Trump’s remarks about that.  Trevor covered a ton of angles with insight and dexterity – a president calling for private citizens to be fired for using their First Amendment rights, the smoke and mirrors of claims that players are “disrespecting the flag,” the fact that the protests were never about the president and predate Trump, the suggestion that Black celebrities who protest are being “ungrateful” (for what?), asking when/how is the “right way” for Black people to protest, and comparing Trump’s remarks here to his dithering over Charlottesville – and each one hit it out of the park.  Really topnotch work.  The guest, meanwhile, was journalist Katy Tur, who’s written a book about covering the election.  Her story about Trump kissing her made my skin crawl.

Tuesday, September 26 – After blurbs on the death of the new healthcare bill and Saudi Arabia lifting its ban on female drivers, Trevor looked at the number of White House officials who’ve used private email accounts, leading him to ponder how many things the administration accused Hillary Clinton of doing that they’ve done themselves.  More on the NFL protests, with Trump doubling down and hundreds more players/owners taking up the protest in response to his condemnation – I liked the hypothetical ad for the “pregame protest kneel” and accompanying sponsorship deals.  Roy reported on two women who are “tricking white people into paying reparations” with their how-to-be-an-ally subscription boxes.  Guest Kathryn Miles spoke about the likelihood of major earthquakes hitting the US in coming years and America’s lack of preparedness for it, thoroughly freaking Trevor out.

Wednesday, September 27 – In-depth look tonight at the Alabama special election to fill Jeff Sessions’s Senate seat, with Trump campaigning for Luther Strange as the Republican nominee and many Trump affiliates throwing their weight behind Roy Moore.  I really liked what Trevor said about Moore’s victory being a demonstration of how Trumpism can exist without Trump, with his supporters voting for Moore in Trump’s name despite Trump backing the other guy – horrifying, but fascinating.  Michelle had a piece on the NCAA, presenting what she saw as the only options:  either pay the players or make everyone (coaches, colleges, etc.) do it “purely for the love of the game” like they do.  America Ferrera, promoting Superstore, gave a great interview.  I loved her words about the importance of media representation in changing hearts and minds.

Thursday, September 28 – Awesome opening bit on a brawl in the Ugandan parliament.  Trevor covered all the highlights, from the “Ugandan Michael Jackson” to the American news anchor who evidently couldn’t identify a mic stand.  Next was Hurricane Maria and Trump’s slow response in getting aid to Puerto Rico.  I appreciated that the story hammered home how important it is that so many Americans don’t realize Puerto Ricans are American citizens, and I liked Trevor’s suggestion that everyone consider their donations “paying Puerto Rico back” for Lin-Manuel Miranda, J-Lo, etc.  I loved the piece on Trump’s announcement of his “miraculous” tax plan; I laughed so hard at Trevor’s “golly gee” reaction to Trump saying, “Believe me.”  Craig Robinson was the guest, talking about his new show that Trevor dubbed “a male Ghostbusters” – ha!

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