Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Favorite Characters: “Lenny Busker” (Legion)

Full and complete spoilage ahead:  here we go.

I was amused by Lenny, David’s sarcastic best friend in the hospital, during the pilot and was disappointed when she was killed (and in such a horrific way, too.)  I was intrigued when she showed up again in David’s psyche, even more so when it became apparent that she was acting as something of a devil on his shoulder, both berating him personally and encouraging him to distrust his new friends.  Then doubts are placed on David’s memories, with people from his past indicating that he was never friends with a woman named Lenny at all, but rather a man named Benny.  Clearly, something was up.

And how.  The deeper into the season we go, the more we realize that David’s psychological damage is more than just trauma from his misunderstood experiences with his powers.  No – a malevolent force has curled up inside his head and been feeding on his power, editing David’s memories to suit its purposes.  It takes numerous forms.  The yellowed-eyed demon is the most blatantly up-to-no-good-looking, with the World’s Angriest Little Boy in the World a close second.  There’s also King, the childhood dog David doesn’t realize he never had; King isn’t inherently creepy until you realize he’s a demonstration of just how long this thing has been getting under David’s skin.

But Lenny – Lenny is its voice.  As the folks at Summerland dig deeper and David retreats further and further into his head, it takes on greater agency, convincing David to let it (temporarily?  ha!) get in the driver’s seat of his body/powers to help him rescue his sister from Division 3.  It plays the tempter as it shows David some of the potential of his powers; the astral-plane “white room” is huge for David and Syd, who can’t touch in the physical world, but it’s also a dangerous door to open, as David wouldn’t be the first telepath to get lost in an astral world of his own creation.

I used “Lenny” to avoid spoilers in the title of the post, but it’s high time we used its real name:  Shadow King.  The Shadow King is creepy as all hell, both in the way it dementedly lays waste to anyone who opposes it and in the seductively-inviting way it gets David to poison his own thoughts against himself.  It builds prisons, it creates worlds, it rips bodies in half, and it takes a perverse joy in all of it.  The Shadow King is half fugitive, hiding out inside David until it’s strong enough to tear the world apart, and half junkie, living off the rush David’s power gives it.  So insanely freaky and so, so watchable.

Aubrey Plaza is just stunning in the role – can’t take my eyes off her.  She’s deadpan, sinister, sultry, vulgar, dangerous, manic, collected, swaggering, and darkly comic as fits the bill, and she’s just perfect every time.  One of the best portrayals I’ve seen of a non-human character that doesn’t involve prosthetics or makeup; everything about her says, “Something’s not right here.”  I really appreciate showrunner Noah Hawley for seeing her and realizing what she could bring to the role.  Evidently, “Lenny” was originally written to be played by a man, and when Plaza was cast, all that changed was the pertinent pronouns, with the rest of her dialogue staying as-is.  The result is a character who feels really uniqe, and Plaza just tears it up from start to finish.

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