Sunday, April 16, 2017

Doctor Who: Series 10, Episode 1 – “The Pilot” (2017)

And we’re back!  I’m cautiously optimistic about this episode and, dare I say it, the season?  While it’s not without its problems, I think I may have enjoyed this more than any Who season premiere since “The Eleventh Hour.”  Fingers crossed?  (A few basic spoilers.)

The Doctor, we’re told, has evidently spent the the last 70-odd years as a professor at Bristol University, where he lectures on whatever he damn well feels like in between guarding a mysterious vault for nonspecified reasons that will likely constitute this season’s main arc.  In his professor capacity, he takes an interest in Bill, a young woman who works in the university canteen but faithfully attends his lectures.  Her brightness, curiosity, and habit of smiling (rather than frowning) when she encounters something she doesn't understand appeals to him, but he’s determined not to go down a companion road with her – that is, until Bill comes across a strange puddle with impossible properties (because of course.)  It’s only a matter of time before the Doctor, Bill, and Nardole, who’s still around, are being chased across the universe by a sentient puddle that can take human form – just another day!

First things first:  there are a few shaky moments here and there (her very first monologue makes me “ugh” a bit,) but overall, I’m decidedly pro-Bill.  All signs point to her traveling with the Doctor based mainly on her merits – curiosity, bravery, a strong knack for asking Excellent Questions – instead of being some sort of mystery the Doctor wants to solve.  She’s also likeable but imperfect, clearly full of potential that’s mostly still untapped, and she’s excited at the prospect of traveling in time and space.  Having already spent some time getting to know the Doctor as an eccentric professor, it’ll be interesting to see if/how that factors into their Doctor-companion dynamic.

By and large, the Doctor is pretty delightful here.  I like his appreciation of and friendly affection for Bill, and I totally get why she’d be a fan of him both as a professor and a time/space-traveling alien.  I’m grateful that, even though this is a case of the Doctor having been planted in one spot for a long time and not getting up to all his usual Doctory business (and once again suggesting he doesn’t “do” companions anymore, although that sentiment seems to ignore Nardole,) he hasn’t just been languishing all this time.  He’s still been doing good (guarding the vault for reasons unknown) and enjoying himself (hearing himself talk during his undoubtedly preposterous and magnificent lectures,) and there are hints that guarding the vault is something that he’s been charged with doing, meaning he’s here for a specific purpose rather than moping for decades after the loss of a previous companion.  (And honestly, as far as the Doctor’s timeline goes, it’s now been so long since Clara was around that it feels right for him to be getting on with things, even though he has been taking a bit of a detour.)

The story is decent to pretty good, I’d say.  The central alien threat feels like a cross between the aliens in both “Midnight” and “The Waters of Mars,” and while it’s not as strong as either of those stories, there are some interesting happenings going on, a few strongly resonant scenes, and only minimal nonsensical plotting.  Still, it’s mostly just background to the main event, which is introducing Bill and seeing how she interacts with the Doctor.  I’m pretty well sold, and I’m looking forward to seeing these two together – I’m daring to have hope that they’ll both be good for each other.

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